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Tsuushin Cartridge

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Tsuushin Cartridge
SMC cartridge.png
Super Mario Club (Famicom Network System) Tsuushin Cartridge
Release year: 1988
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Compatible: Famicom (Famicom Network System)
Model no.:

A Tsuushin Cartridge (Japanese: 通信カートリッジ), translated as Communication Cartridge is a type of Nintendo storage medium. It is inserted into the Famicom Network System; supporting firmware for Internet supported Nintendo software.

Most Tsuushin Cartridges were not games (with Nintendo focusing on network and communications ambitions) and were intended for economic or intelligence purposes; such as for the stock market, game review and preference data, horse racing/motorboat race, other economical purposes. However, the third-party Tsuushin Cartridge by Konami called Tsuushin Shogi Club may have been an exception for playing Shogi online.

See also

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