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Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

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Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Ninja Gaiden 3 box.png
Developer(s): Tecmo Koei (Team Ninja)
Publisher(s): Nintendo, Tecmo Koei (Japan)
Platform: Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Category: Action adventure
Players: Single player, multiplayer
Predecessor: Ninja Gaiden II
Successor: YAIBA: Ninja Gaiden Z
Release dates
N. America: November 18, 2012
Japan: December 8, 2012
Europe: January 11, 2013

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is a game in the Ninja Gaiden series of ninja inspired action-adventure hack and slash games. The Wii U version was published by Nintendo outside of Japan.

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