Hello and welcome to the NintendoWiki board.
This Board is mainly about the NintendoWiki, its articles, templates, etc. It is a place to:
- discuss improvements to the wiki,
- discuss possible big changes to its content, article structures, etc.
- ask for the installation of Javascript, CSS, Extensions, etc.
- ask how an article should best be formatted
- ask what should be included or not included
- and more!
and it is not a:
- A gaming board (that is here (http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?board=3.0))
- An introduction board (that is here (http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?topic=254))
- A place to ask for help on Wiki formatting (that is here (http://www.niwanetwork.org/forums/index.php?board=19.0))