NIWA Community Forums

NIWA Community => NIWA Discussion => Topic started by: mlnintendo97 on April 16, 2013, 11:57:26 PM

Title: Help with Nookipedia template.
Post by: mlnintendo97 on April 16, 2013, 11:57:26 PM
Hey guys, I'm mlnintendo97 from Nookipedia if you haven't known that already, but anyway, I need help with making a template from Zelda Wiki work on Nookipedia. I have all the pages set up, but they all seem to be missing some piece of coding on them. Can I please have someone from Zelda Wiki help me out with this.  :-\

The links to the three templates are below:
Title: Re: Help with Nookipedia template.
Post by: Moydow on April 17, 2013, 04:05:47 AM
I'm not from ZeldaWiki, but I can at least tell you that for the #ec functions on Template:User Edit, the wrong edit count extension is installed - you need this one ( instead. For the other two, you need to install this extension ( They should then work when transcluded.
Title: Re: Help with Nookipedia template.
Post by: mlnintendo97 on April 19, 2013, 12:18:06 AM
I am only a Patroller, so I can't do anything with this yet. I think the only who could anything with this is Jake, but he is currently inactive and nobody has known where he has been. I'll be sure to ask around to see if anyone around the site can do anything with this. Thanks!  :D
Title: Re: Help with Nookipedia template.
Post by: KidIcarus on July 01, 2015, 11:08:44 PM
I'm not really good with MediaWiki, but you have my best blessings!