NIWA Community Forums

NIWA Community => NintendoWiki discussion => Topic started by: tacopill on August 23, 2013, 02:10:58 AM

Question: What should happen with the Documentation Pages?
Option 1: Separate Pages for Template and Documentation votes: 5
Option 2: Same Page for Template and Documentation votes: 4
Title: Documentation Matters
Post by: tacopill on August 23, 2013, 02:10:58 AM
It has been brought to my attention ( that the documentation pages of N Wiki do not follow a standard format, nor a standard on if it is on the same page or not. So, upon the recommendation of Moydow, we are asking the community for input and a vote in the topic.

the vote is mainly to decide if all documentation of a template should be on the same page or different page from the template itself; but this thread can expand beyond it.

Reasons for Separate Pages

  • Keeps the documentation separated from the template itself
  • When one is updated, the other isn't affected. For example,  if one were to update the documentation of  Game Infobox ( in a separate page, then would not signal the 349 Transcluse pages ( to be cache purged.

Reasons Against

  • No Excessive Amount of /doc pages on Special:WantedTempaltes (
  • No Additional Template Pages, for ones that only get transcluded once.

Thank you all for your time,
Title: Re: Documentation Matters
Post by: tacopill on September 25, 2013, 12:57:41 AM
sorry for the double post, but the poll has closed with a result of 5-4.

I'll leave the thread open for further comments, but from this point on, consensus is to keep them separate.
Title: Re: Documentation Matters
Post by: KidIcarus on June 28, 2015, 10:53:03 PM
Hmm I guess separate is best if thats what people want