I understand many NIWA wikis frown upon Fanon in their real encyclopedias, but one's spirit must run free. Pikmin Fanon is undoubtedly the first Fanon Wiki to join NIWA. Once we all know Fanon Wikis are accepted here, don't you think setting up various Fanon wikis for existing topics, such as Mario, Zelda and Kirby. If we could utilize this, we could help stop Fanon Spam on Canon Wikis!
We're all for the inclusion of more fanon wiki's. Previously, we tried to encourage Fantendo to join, and while their staff were all in favour of it, going as far as starting to setup an independent wiki and trying to move things over, their userbase didn't really give it a chance and rejected the idea.
BTW, Wars Wiki has their AWRP. Which is the Advance Wars Role Play wiki.
Ok. Thats good. Let's try to at least see a Mario Fanon or something in the future because Pikmin Fanon needs more Fanon "brothers".
When I saw the word "Fanon", I was like "Oh no...", but then I found out that Pikmin Fanon is awesome! Great fan made ideas, plus a little canon! I would welcome another fanon wiki into NIWA, but that's up to the staff.
For SMW fanon, we have Userpedia (http://userpedia.adriels.com)
Quote from: Tucayo on October 23, 2010, 03:15:13 PM
For SMW fanon, we have Userpedia (http://userpedia.adriels.com)
is that what that is? because i thought it was about the Wiki's Fanon, and not a Mario Fanon wiki.
Quote from: Axiomist on October 23, 2010, 03:21:59 AM
BTW, Wars Wiki has their AWRP. Which is the Advance Wars Role Play wiki.
To elaborate, WC has a two year old Advance Wars RP, which has it's own Wiki (AWRPedia (http://awrpedia.warscentral.com/Advance_Wars_Roleplay_Wiki)) for all sorts of details. It's quite basic, but it more than serves the purpose it was created for.
Quote from: tacopill on October 24, 2010, 05:49:21 PM
Quote from: Tucayo on October 23, 2010, 03:15:13 PM
For SMW fanon, we have Userpedia (http://userpedia.adriels.com)
is that what that is? because i thought it was about the Wiki's Fanon, and not a Mario Fanon wiki.
Well, yeah. But Mario fanon can also go in there
I think that a Mario Fanon Wiki should be made under mariowiki's domain. It is easier to access, and right now Pikmin Fanon sticks out like a sore thumb.
make a Nintendo fanon independent wiki alliance?
Quote from: tacopill on October 30, 2010, 12:19:21 AM
make a Nintendo fanon independent wiki alliance?
I am in favor of this. It should run parallel to NIWA.
Pokémon has a lot of fanon, so much a wiki about it would be great. What about shipping and competitive battling, for example?
I'm just saying...
Quote from: tacopill on October 30, 2010, 12:19:21 AM
make a Nintendo fanon independent wiki alliance?
Nice idea.
Also, @SoujiroElric, Bulbapedia covers a TON of shipping. Still, I guess it could be moved to another domain or something similar.
Well... That sounds good.. But. Idk.
Well, if we want it to run parallel to NIWA, wiki's must agree to it independent of NIWA's authority. Otherwise, it will always be viewed as under NIWA.
Quote from: vince220 on October 30, 2010, 02:01:18 AM
Well, if we want it to run parallel to NIWA, wiki's must agree to it independent of NIWA's authority. Otherwise, it will always be viewed as under NIWA.
True. But I believe we should have
seperate Fanon wikis. That way Pikmin Fanon isn't screwed AND people can view Fanon on the games they actually like. No one wants to see n00bish content on that one game that you don't like...
Quote from: Peanut64 on October 30, 2010, 02:47:45 AM
Quote from: vince220 on October 30, 2010, 02:01:18 AM
Well, if we want it to run parallel to NIWA, wiki's must agree to it independent of NIWA's authority. Otherwise, it will always be viewed as under NIWA.
True. But I believe we should have seperate Fanon wikis. That way Pikmin Fanon isn't screwed AND people can view Fanon on the games they actually like. No one wants to see n00bish content on that one game that you don't like...
I agree. When I said: "Well, if we want
it to run
parallel to NIWA",
it was referring to an organization of wikis, not just one wiki.
All my pronouns may have made it unclear.
Separate from NIWA? That sounds horrible. Why would we do that when we have previously said that NIWA needs to establish itself before we start helping other non-Nintendo franchises to create their own networks and alliances?
Fanon Wikis have their place in NIWA just as the Pikmin Fanon wiki does. NIWA was never billed as "Facts Only" because, let's face it: It's all fiction. I think that if a legitimate and well established and operated wiki on Zelda or Mario or Kirby or Star Fox fanon came around and wanted to join, and measured up to our standards, why not? We've let in Strategy Wiki, and they're not a franchise wiki - they're neither fanon nor are they canonical "Facts" about a series. Should we start a whole OTHER organization for Wikis about stuff like that?
I will always see our failure with Fantendo as the hallmark of what makes bureaucracy horrible. We do not need to separate everything into these neat little categories and label everything and put things in their own special confined little boxes. There needs to be this sense of unity, that after being called "Nintendo" we're all in this together. That's what unifies us.
I don't see a problem with start-up Fanon wikis. I agree that it would keep fanon off of our "facts only" wikis, and keeping these fanon Wikis inside of NIWA alongside their Canon counterparts would be better suited to that end.
Quote from: Xizor on October 30, 2010, 07:30:46 AM
Separate from NIWA? That sounds horrible. Why would we do that when we have previously said that NIWA needs to establish itself before we start helping other non-Nintendo franchises to create their own networks and alliances?
Fanon Wikis have their place in NIWA just as the Pikmin Fanon wiki does. NIWA was never billed as "Facts Only" because, let's face it: It's all fiction. I think that if a legitimate and well established and operated wiki on Zelda or Mario or Kirby or Star Fox fanon came around and wanted to join, and measured up to our standards, why not? We've let in Strategy Wiki, and they're not a franchise wiki - they're neither fanon nor are they canonical "Facts" about a series. Should we start a whole OTHER organization for Wikis about stuff like that?
I will always see our failure with Fantendo as the hallmark of what makes bureaucracy horrible. We do not need to separate everything into these neat little categories and label everything and put things in their own special confined little boxes. There needs to be this sense of unity, that after being called "Nintendo" we're all in this together. That's what unifies us.
I don't see a problem with start-up Fanon wikis. I agree that it would keep fanon off of our "facts only" wikis, and keeping these fanon Wikis inside of NIWA alongside their Canon counterparts would be better suited to that end.
Yes, you do bring up a good point. Keeping it together will bring us a sense of unit. That is something I completely overlooked.
Quote from: vince220 on October 30, 2010, 02:11:09 PM
Quote from: Xizor on October 30, 2010, 07:30:46 AM
Separate from NIWA? That sounds horrible. Why would we do that when we have previously said that NIWA needs to establish itself before we start helping other non-Nintendo franchises to create their own networks and alliances?
Fanon Wikis have their place in NIWA just as the Pikmin Fanon wiki does. NIWA was never billed as "Facts Only" because, let's face it: It's all fiction. I think that if a legitimate and well established and operated wiki on Zelda or Mario or Kirby or Star Fox fanon came around and wanted to join, and measured up to our standards, why not? We've let in Strategy Wiki, and they're not a franchise wiki - they're neither fanon nor are they canonical "Facts" about a series. Should we start a whole OTHER organization for Wikis about stuff like that?
I will always see our failure with Fantendo as the hallmark of what makes bureaucracy horrible. We do not need to separate everything into these neat little categories and label everything and put things in their own special confined little boxes. There needs to be this sense of unity, that after being called "Nintendo" we're all in this together. That's what unifies us.
I don't see a problem with start-up Fanon wikis. I agree that it would keep fanon off of our "facts only" wikis, and keeping these fanon Wikis inside of NIWA alongside their Canon counterparts would be better suited to that end.
Yes, you do bring up a good point. Keeping it together will bring us a sense of unit. That is something I completely overlooked.
Yes, and This will also bring even more wikis to NIWA, expanding its horizon. I agree with the latter comments, but now, why don't we set some Fanon wikis up now? I will contact each canon wiki asking to set up a fanon subdomain. Then we can move all of the Fanon wikis on the main page. If anyone objects to this, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Also, can I be the NIWA Fanon Coordinator or something like that? I have experience with Fanon all the way. If you don't trust me then I will still be just fine. In fact, my first wiki ever was of Fanon.
The MarioWiki has already got something like a fanon wiki, Userpedia, but it is more of users fanon, and not really Mario fanon
Quote from: Tucayo on October 30, 2010, 03:42:23 PM
The MarioWiki has already got something like a fanon wiki, Userpedia, but it is more of users fanon, and not really Mario fanon
This has already been explained. If you look earlier in the topic you will find that we need a seperate Mario Fanon Wiki that will go on NIWA's main page. And also please tell me if I can be a Fanon Coordinator.
Quote from: JoJo on October 24, 2010, 06:25:32 PM
Quote from: Axiomist on October 23, 2010, 03:21:59 AM
BTW, Wars Wiki has their AWRP. Which is the Advance Wars Role Play wiki.
To elaborate, WC has a two year old Advance Wars RP, which has it's own Wiki (AWRPedia (http://awrpedia.warscentral.com/Advance_Wars_Roleplay_Wiki)) for all sorts of details. It's quite basic, but it more than serves the purpose it was created for.
@Jojo: If only you could move it to a Fanon subdomain...
Quote from: Peanut64 on October 30, 2010, 02:46:42 PM
Quote from: vince220 on October 30, 2010, 02:11:09 PM
Quote from: Xizor on October 30, 2010, 07:30:46 AM
Separate from NIWA? That sounds horrible. Why would we do that when we have previously said that NIWA needs to establish itself before we start helping other non-Nintendo franchises to create their own networks and alliances?
Fanon Wikis have their place in NIWA just as the Pikmin Fanon wiki does. NIWA was never billed as "Facts Only" because, let's face it: It's all fiction. I think that if a legitimate and well established and operated wiki on Zelda or Mario or Kirby or Star Fox fanon came around and wanted to join, and measured up to our standards, why not? We've let in Strategy Wiki, and they're not a franchise wiki - they're neither fanon nor are they canonical "Facts" about a series. Should we start a whole OTHER organization for Wikis about stuff like that?
I will always see our failure with Fantendo as the hallmark of what makes bureaucracy horrible. We do not need to separate everything into these neat little categories and label everything and put things in their own special confined little boxes. There needs to be this sense of unity, that after being called "Nintendo" we're all in this together. That's what unifies us.
I don't see a problem with start-up Fanon wikis. I agree that it would keep fanon off of our "facts only" wikis, and keeping these fanon Wikis inside of NIWA alongside their Canon counterparts would be better suited to that end.
Yes, you do bring up a good point. Keeping it together will bring us a sense of unit. That is something I completely overlooked.
Yes, and This will also bring even more wikis to NIWA, expanding its horizon. I agree with the latter comments, but now, why don't we set some Fanon wikis up now? I will contact each canon wiki asking to set up a fanon subdomain. Then we can move all of the Fanon wikis on the main page. If anyone objects to this, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Also, can I be the NIWA Fanon Coordinator or something like that? I have experience with Fanon all the way. If you don't trust me then I will still be just fine. In fact, my first wiki ever was of Fanon.
It's probably better to let the fanon wikis begin naturally. If you create them before there is enough demand for it, the communities will just end up dying.
I agree. We'll just let them happen, but if you can find the support on those other wikis, go for it. However, a Wiki is a Wiki - within NIWA, all wikis are the same, regardless of subject matter. The fact that it is about Fanon and not Canon is the same as how Zelda Wiki is about Zelda and not Star Fox.
Sorry for bumping, but what exactly defines fanon? If somebody creates a fanon wiki, do users just create their own content and publish it?
The word "fanon" is typically used to refer to anything that fans make up, like fan fiction, fan games, etc.
I have a Pokémon wikkii named PokeFanon. It only has one article on a Pokémon named Cumuspark, even though I have created over 30 Pokémon already. My computer has a virus so I can't do anything right now... I have to use my Wii for the Internet. Meanwhile, please join my wikkii! It's on Wikkii, of course. The link is under my profile picture.
fanon is, as Toomai said, things the fans created. these include things like fan-fiction and fan-made ideas, but sometimes also are used fan-substitution for canon-material.
Take a look at this fan-made idea for a Paper Mario game.
If you're going to do fanon, then it's your ultimate responsibility to put the extra thought and effort into it. Like this guy has done with that.
Quote from: BooDestroyer on December 06, 2010, 10:20:23 PM
Erm...Are you sure you got what I said right after that?
I'd also suggest you try putting a little more into your replies too, in any event. :P
I wouldn't go as far as to say it's nice. It's just a giant wall of text (or for me it is).
Quote from: Maxite on December 07, 2010, 06:34:41 AM
I wouldn't go as far as to say it's nice. It's just a giant wall of text (or for me it is).
You didn't even look at the picture, did you? And there's a whole series of its chapters he put together on it.
Man, and I was hoping this place would have less absent minds... :-\
If you're doing a fanfic, the pictures are just icing. The actual cake is the text, and if the text doesn't look appetizing, no amount of visuals is going to fix it.
But this is more of a fan game idea as opposed to fanfiction. Only clarifying.
Not all fan ideas are based in writing; I don't think you're using the term fanfiction right. I don't see how it's so hard for you to think "There really should be a game like that" just by looking at what you saw. At least when you see a fan idea that actually is good.
Quote from: BooDestroyer on December 07, 2010, 06:16:23 AM
Erm...Are you sure you got what I said right after that?
actually, now that you question my answer, i don't get what you are saying. I was simply giving a complement, because i thought it was nice.
And i don't know who you were directing the question too, b/c i never said i was doing fanon.....that i recall......
Quote from: BooDestroyer on December 07, 2010, 06:16:23 AM
I'd also suggest you try putting a little more into your replies too, in any event. :P
I've done dabbling in fan fiction, and even fan game idea (a Harvest Moon/Pokemon crossover game? Yes please!). I am an amateur writer as well. In writing, just like any other artistic medium, how it appears does make a difference. The graphics can be lovely, but if the text looks terrible people aren't going to bother reading it or giving it much credence. Likewise, if you have wonderfully formatted and eloquent text but shitty graphics you can again lose the appeal of your readers.
I'm not saying that the idea or content is bad in and of itself. I'm just saying that it *looks* bad.
If EarthBoundFanon (http://ebfanon.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page) gains it's independence, it could join.
Quote from: RamblinEvilMushroomDS on December 15, 2010, 04:42:18 AM
If EarthBoundFanon (http://ebfanon.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page) gains it's independence, it could join.
lol if it had an actual logo and articles.
Quote from: RamblinEvilMushroomDS on December 15, 2010, 04:42:18 AM
If EarthBoundFanon (http://ebfanon.wikkii.com/wiki/Main_Page) gains it's independence, it could join.
You'll need a bit more content, a dedicated staff, and a somewhat active userbase first.