Hey guys! I'm pretty sure this is the right place to put the topic, so...
WikiBound's URL has changed, as we've switched hosts. If everyone could update their links (and bookmarks, which should exist! *shot*) to the new URL - right here! (http://wikibound.zelda-temple.net/) - that would be fantastic! :D
And don't worry, everything's just the way it was before. We just moved to a different host and got a nice and short address. :P
Congrats guys! :D I also notice that you've now got SEO friendly URLs. I've updated the interwiki table on ACWiki. :)
Also, be sure to 301 redirect your old site. It helps get your Google ranking transferred and prevent broken links.
Quote from: Jake on December 07, 2010, 02:13:20 AM
Congrats guys! :D I also notice that you've now got SEO friendly URLs. I've updated the interwiki table on ACWiki. :)
Also, be sure to 301 redirect your old site. It helps get your Google ranking transferred and prevent broken links.
Thank you for updating your interwiki table, and noticing our pretty URL.
I can set up the redirect, but i don't know who to do one between two URL schemes.
Nice move. The domain looks a little odd though, with wikibound.zelda-temple.net. I'll offer to buy you guys an actual domain if you want (wikibound.com is still open as of this post).
Quote from: Maxite on December 07, 2010, 03:14:09 AM
Nice move. The domain looks a little odd though, with wikibound.zelda-temple.net. I'll offer to buy you guys an actual domain if you want (wikibound.com is still open as of this post).
That would be cool, and thank you.
Although, if the option is open, i would prefer wikibound.info. If not, a .com is fine with me.
Isn't .com specifically for commercial purposes or something like that?
Quote from: tacopill on December 07, 2010, 03:50:44 AM
Quote from: Maxite on December 07, 2010, 03:14:09 AM
Nice move. The domain looks a little odd though, with wikibound.zelda-temple.net. I'll offer to buy you guys an actual domain if you want (wikibound.com is still open as of this post).
That would be cool, and thank you.
Although, if the option is open, i would prefer wikibound.info. If not, a .com is fine with me.
I'd prefer wikibound.info as well-- I'm also cool with wikibound.net. I dunno I just like the sound of those two more.
Quote from: Seritinajii on December 07, 2010, 04:12:19 AM
Isn't .com specifically for commercial purposes or something like that?
Technically, yes. A .com site is suppose to be for commercial websites. However, until about recently, .com was pretty much the every website you went to, commercial or not.
the other suffixes (.org for non-governmental organizations, .gov for government sites, .k12.* for public schools, etc.) are becoming more popular, and more and more websites are using a "proper" suffix.
Doesn't matter about the wikibound.com. In the space of time between making my first post and this one, someone registered it and parked a page on it.
Good news is: I have wikibound.info for you guys. For the meantime, I'll just have it forward to the current site (and let the DNS information update itself).
Quote from: Maxite on December 07, 2010, 04:53:17 AM
Doesn't matter about the wikibound.com. In the space of time between making my first post and this one, someone registered it and parked a page on it.
Good news is: I have wikibound.info for you guys. For the meantime, I'll just have it forward to the current site (and let the DNS information update itself).
Excellent. It will probably take a day or two to take effect. But when it is done, i will notify the staff to update the interwiki tables on all the other wikis.
Also: stupid domain campers....
Also Also: this :eekdance:. WikiBound leveled up!
I wouldn't start updating the tables until the URL isn't just redirecting (unless you don't mind that sort of cheesiness).
Quote from: Maxite on December 07, 2010, 05:10:06 AM
I wouldn't start updating the tables until the URL isn't just redirecting (unless you don't mind that sort of cheesiness).
what alternative will there be then? if it is not a redirect, then is a direct host? (i.e. the domain points directly to the host, not bouncing around redirects).
It's a redirect right now. It might be better if its a direct host, but that requires a bit more work.
I'm not sure what's going on as far as your URL, but this is how to do a 301 redirect. It's actually really simple!
Create a file named '.htaccess' in the root of the old wiki location. Put this text within:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://wikibound.info/$1 [R=301,L]
Just change the http:// part to the URL path of your new site. $1 will be replaced by the page title, just as it is with interwiki linking. If you need any help with this, I'd be more than glad to assist. :)
Ok, i posted that, and i think someone or something over-wrote it on me.
It is now this:
# For security reasons, Option followsymlinks cannot be overridden.
#Options +FollowSymLinks
Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule (.*) http://wikibound.info/$1 [R=301,L]
will that work?
I also had a 301 redirect setup in the server config; but i have removed it because it would send it to the main page, regardless of the subpage i was looking for.
And it seems to have stopped while i have been typing this up.
Anyway, now it is going to the correct domain, and has the subpage in the URL; But the page shown is not the one requested in the URL.
I've fixed the forwarding so that it'll allow you to pass on subdirectories.
Furthermore, would a 301 Redirect work if the domain is forwarding to the old address?
The 301 redirect only needs to be set up on the old domain. In order to get the new domain working correctly, you may need to contact the host on zelda-temple and ask them to set up your hosting as an addon-domain instead of a sub-domain. Then, all you need to do is point wikibound.info at the zelda-temple nameservers and it should work just fine. :)
Quote from: Jake on December 08, 2010, 01:07:53 AM
The 301 redirect only needs to be set up on the old domain. In order to get the new domain working correctly, you may need to contact the host on zelda-temple and ask them to set up your hosting as an addon-domain instead of a sub-domain. Then, all you need to do is point wikibound.info at the zelda-temple nameservers and it should work just fine. :)
ok, i will ask my web host when i see her next.
and thank you.
QuoteDoesn't matter about the wikibound.com. In the space of time between making my first post and this one, someone registered it and parked a page on it.
That's one reason I never publicly post potential domain purchases. I've seen this happen so many times that I swear some people must have some kind of bots sniffing out unregistered domain names and buying them to park ads on.
Anyway, that's an awesome thing for you to have done. You have my gratitude as well.
I wish ICANN would create a .wiki but until they do, .info is the best to get for a starting wiki imo. Despite being a new site, WiKirby.info shows up high in the google search term "Kirby Info" which is a perfectly probable search. New sites need all of the boost they can get.
Ps. Tacopill, or Tina, I'm still working a lot, so could one of you edit WK's News (http://wikirby.info/wiki/Template:News) to the final url when its done. Announce the move, as I want WK to cover some notable NIWA member changes.
Quote from: Axiomist on December 08, 2010, 10:47:56 AM
QuoteDoesn't matter about the wikibound.com. In the space of time between making my first post and this one, someone registered it and parked a page on it.
That's one reason I never publicly post potential domain purchases. I've seen this happen so many times that I swear some people must have some kind of bots sniffing out unregistered domain names and buying them to park ads on.
Anyway, that's an awesome thing for you to have done. You have my gratitude as well.
I wish ICANN would create a .wiki but until they do, .info is the best to get for a starting wiki imo. Despite being a new site, WiKirby.info shows up high in the google search term "Kirby Info" which is a perfectly probable search. New sites need all of the boost they can get.
Ps. Tacopill, or Tina, I'm still working a lot, so could one of you edit WK's News (http://wikirby.info/wiki/Template:News) to the final url when its done. Announce the move, as I want WK to cover some notable NIWA member changes.
I can take care of it, Ax.
So apparently wikibound.info is now replaced by the hosting message. Was that intended?
No, that wasn't intentional. Modifying some changes I made now, which hopefully will work this time.
Update: After a quick look, it is apparent to me that my actions alone wouldn't be sufficient to fix the problem, so I'm rolling it back to older settings so that it isn't constantly displaying that stupid page.
I'd like to help you guys get this sorted out. It goes without saying that the more simple a domain is, the easier it will be for people to remember it and come back. It's for that reason that a lot of users on my wiki are in support of a change from 'animalcrossingwiki.me' to 'nookipedia.com', named after one of the most notable characters in the game. (And yes, I own the domain. Domain squatters - better luck elsewhere. :P)
Maxite - Do you have the ability to change the nameservers of the domain? That's the only thing you'll need to do on your end. The rest is up to the host on zelda-temple. :)
That's the problem. I changed the nameservers to what I was told, and now... nothing.
yeah, some timing problems have been happening on my end.
I mainly talk to our host on skype, and when she is on, i am busy with family stuff; and when i am on, she is away.
But we will get it fixed up, and have wikibound.info as our main domain as soon as we can.
And I'm not on when you and her are on either.
Quote from: Maxite on December 10, 2010, 05:25:02 AM
And I'm not on when you and her are on either.
:'(..... This three-person website thing is hard..... but we will get it done!
Don't ask me, I'm just a simple teenager with a simple AV addiction!
Well, now I can't register. D:
I'm getting no reCaptcha with "Input error: Invalid referer" instead (with the misspelling).
Registration is working just fine for me. Try resetting your cache. Also, make sure that for the time being that you're using http://wikibound.zelda-temple.net for accessing the site.
I should've mentioned earlier that you shouldn't change the nameservers until the host is ready. That white screen you saw earlier was zelda-temple's server rejecting your request and saying there is no site with that domain on the server. :P
I apologize for leaving that out. For now the domain redirect should be fine until the host is ready.
Might as well note it. .com has been considered a sort of default for awhile... if you type "wikibound" or whatever into a browser the browser will usually look for the .com before trying any other top level domains. I also remember something about .info domains historically being abused very heavily by squatters or something and as a result some directories or search engines placing it in bad standing, I'm not sure how much that's settled down at this point.
Quote from: tacopill on December 07, 2010, 04:23:51 AM
Quote from: Seritinajii on December 07, 2010, 04:12:19 AM
Isn't .com specifically for commercial purposes or something like that?
Technically, yes. A .com site is suppose to be for commercial websites. However, until about recently, .com was pretty much the every website you went to, commercial or not.
the other suffixes (.org for non-governmental organizations, .gov for government sites, .k12.* for public schools, etc.) are becoming more popular, and more and more websites are using a "proper" suffix.
.com is considered default, which is why i am against using it. I want to encourage people using domain suffixes properly, and see more places use .info.
As Axiomist said earlier, the creation of a .wiki TLD would be ideal. I think that .info is as close as we can get to a relevant domain, even if the extension suffers from a history of abuse.
But that probably get some squatters, because apparently wikis have higher Alexa ranks.
If someone has $100,000 in capital, we could make our own .wiki TLD (or so I remember reading a while back, dunno if it's been implemented yet).
As far as .com being default and .info being historically spammed: Yes, I was aware of that when I bought the domain. However, we are running a legit site so nobody should be getting their stockings all tied up in a knot about us running a "scam site".
Quit worrying so much about aesthetics. It's not broken (at least not the TLD), so there's no need to fix it.
Quote from: Maxite on December 10, 2010, 11:18:44 PM
Registration is working just fine for me. Try resetting your cache. Also, make sure that for the time being that you're using http://wikibound.zelda-temple.net for accessing the site.
I've reset my cache and am using the correct domain. I think the reCaptcha is still attached to the old domain.
Quote from: immewnity on December 11, 2010, 03:53:29 AM
Quote from: Maxite on December 10, 2010, 11:18:44 PM
Registration is working just fine for me. Try resetting your cache. Also, make sure that for the time being that you're using http://wikibound.zelda-temple.net for accessing the site.
I've reset my cache and am using the correct domain. I think the reCaptcha is still attached to the old domain.
whoops... completely forgot about that....
I've reset the reCaptch for the new domain. Please Tell me if you are successful in signing up.
Also, to quickly announce this before tacopill beats me to the punch: The server-side updates are going through right now. Wikibound.info should be up in one to two days (barring any further difficulties)
Quote from: Maxite on December 11, 2010, 04:47:28 AM
Also, to quickly announce this before tacopill beats me to the punch: The server-side updates are going through right now. Wikibound.info should be up in one to two days (barring any further difficulties)
Actually, it seems to be working right now! I'll update my interwiki table! :)
Quote from: Maxite on December 11, 2010, 04:47:28 AM
Also, to quickly announce this before tacopill beats me to the punch: The server-side updates are going through right now. Wikibound.info should be up in one to two days (barring any further difficulties)
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Maxite on December 11, 2010, 04:47:28 AM
Also, to quickly announce this before tacopill beats me to the punch: The server-side updates are going through right now. Wikibound.info should be up in one to two days (barring any further difficulties)
cool, now to catch everyone else up.
to everyone who helped.....
Still can't register. Try checking the reCaptcha settings. I think it's still tied to the old domain.
Quote from: immewnity on December 11, 2010, 08:02:36 PM
Still can't register. Try checking the reCaptcha settings. I think it's still tied to the old domain.
I've changed the domain it is linked to; now it is linked to Wikibound.info.
Please continue to try to sign up.
It works now; thanks! :D
Quote from: immewnity on December 11, 2010, 10:43:37 PM
It works now; thanks! :D
Sounds good. And you're welcome.
And thank you for signing up.