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NIWA Community => Nintendo Gaming => Pokémon => Topic started by: pikachu8090 on January 07, 2011, 10:39:07 PM

Title: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on January 07, 2011, 10:39:07 PM
This might happen because it happen for heartgold&soulsilver and firered&leafgreen remakes. it would be cool to see these games remade. This region was my favorite until Unova.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 07, 2011, 10:40:11 PM
It'll probably happen, but I still won't get it.

Hoenn was the weakest region, imho.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Solar Dragon on January 07, 2011, 10:58:19 PM
All Pokemon from generation 3 onwards are lame. I hated Hoenn and all the water routes.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 08, 2011, 04:15:29 PM
The water routes was the whole reason I hated it.

Goddamned Tentacool.

And I didn't like the cries. D:<
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: BrandedOne on January 08, 2011, 04:50:28 PM
I liked Hoenn, and some of my favorite pokemon come from the 3rd generation... Though I acknowledge that the water routes were fairly annoying.

What do we think they'll be named? EarthRuby and OceanSapphire? MagmaRuby and AquaSapphire?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 08, 2011, 05:12:49 PM
One of my online buddies says "RagingRuby and SoothingSapphire".
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 08, 2011, 06:15:24 PM
I'd go with MagmaRuby and AquaSapphire, since it goes with the respective teams.

I'm no grammar expert; but, do spaces goes around the Ampersand (&) in the words Ruby&Sapphire?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Nintendoguy1 on January 08, 2011, 07:18:55 PM
@Tacopill: Yes, they do.

Anyways, I agree, this game will probably come out. But I disagree with the people who hate it. Emerald was my favourite Pokémon game. I looooved the Battle Frontier in it - IMO the Sinnoh/Johto one was a lot worse. I learned to hate the Tentacool as well but I liked Emerald more than any other game (though Ruby and Saphire weren't too good TBH).
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pokemonforever2929 on January 08, 2011, 10:39:52 PM
i thought gen 3 was the best.
??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 09, 2011, 06:07:52 AM
Quote from: master crazy hand on January 08, 2011, 10:39:52 PM
i thought gen 3 was the best.
??? ??? ???

Each gen has it's charms.

Originally, Gen 3 made me quit pokemon. But FR/LG brought me back in, and over time, i got more and more exposed to Hoenn and i started to like it.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Nintendoguy1 on January 09, 2011, 09:11:18 AM
Quote from: tacopill on January 09, 2011, 06:07:52 AM
Quote from: master crazy hand on January 08, 2011, 10:39:52 PM
i thought gen 3 was the best.
??? ??? ???

Each gen has it's charms.

Originally, Gen 3 made me quit pokemon. But FR/LG brought me back in, and over time, i got more and more exposed to Hoenn and i started to like it.
OK, I will say this straight out: Ruby and Saphire stunk.

But Emerald is the best Pokémon game in existence (followed veeery closely by Platinum)
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Maxite on January 09, 2011, 02:56:42 PM
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire are the games that drew me back into the Pokemon franchise after I became absolutely bored with Gold and Silver. There was a couple of "WTF?" moments when I realized that not every old Pokemon was in the game, but I came to accept that, and fell in love with a lot of the new Pokemon. Gardevoir is still my all-time favorite Pokemon.

Hoenn's water routes may have been annoying, but I still enjoyed them.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Seritinajii on January 09, 2011, 03:27:00 PM
Sapphire was my first pokémon game! So I'm quite biased towards Hoenn. I did like them genuinely, though. Also, just use repels! Problem solved.

Anyway, back to the remakes - I don't think it's likely, because Ruby and Sapphire were pretty complete games on their own, besides the lack of day and night. If there were to be a remake, I don't think it would be that great because there's not much to improve on.

Fire Red and Leaf Green added color and new islands to Kanto, and HeartGold and SoulSilver added more color and 3D-ness to Gold and Silver. As for Ruby and Sapphire, however, what would there be to add besides new places?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 09, 2011, 03:28:09 PM
It would just be an excuse for them to make more money.

More games = More money.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 09, 2011, 07:21:52 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing Hoenn in 3D Graphics of 5th Gen.  ;D

Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: SuperAlpaca on January 11, 2011, 04:34:50 PM
BP has the remakes in <!-- and -->'s, so they think it will happen. And I think that Gen 4 and later suck.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 12, 2011, 12:38:48 AM
Quote from: SuperAlpaca on January 11, 2011, 04:34:50 PM
BP has the remakes in <!-- and -->'s, so they think it will happen. And I think that Gen 4 and later suck.


Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on January 12, 2011, 07:29:32 PM
Quote from: Nintendoguy1 on January 09, 2011, 09:11:18 AM
Quote from: tacopill on January 09, 2011, 06:07:52 AM
Quote from: master crazy hand on January 08, 2011, 10:39:52 PM
i thought gen 3 was the best.
??? ??? ???

Each gen has it's charms.

Originally, Gen 3 made me quit pokemon. But FR/LG brought me back in, and over time, i got more and more exposed to Hoenn and i started to like it.
OK, I will say this straight out: Ruby and Saphire stunk.

But Emerald is the best Pokémon game in existence (followed veeery closely by Platinum)

I agree, It would be cool to see Groudon & Kyogre destroying Sootopolis in 3D, they cold even have a locked, abandoned building break, allowing the player to go inside once Groudon & Kyogre are calmed down, but if it were a Ruby & Saphire Remake, we wouldn't have both sides of the story...
...unless they did a major overhaul on the two games to make them more like Emerald, but they should bring back Contests
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: R7308xx on January 12, 2011, 08:31:43 PM
I think they would just release the games on 3DVC.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on January 12, 2011, 08:48:45 PM
Quote from: RamblinEvilMushroomDS on January 12, 2011, 08:31:43 PM
I think they would just release the games on 3DVC.
I bet they will make remakes instead of that
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 12, 2011, 09:22:14 PM
Quote from: pikachu8090 on January 12, 2011, 08:48:45 PM
Quote from: RamblinEvilMushroomDS on January 12, 2011, 08:31:43 PM
I think they would just release the games on 3DVC.
I bet they will make remakes instead of that

and Re-remakes of Red/Green/Blue :)
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: R7308xx on January 12, 2011, 09:24:52 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 12, 2011, 09:22:14 PM
Quote from: pikachu8090 on January 12, 2011, 08:48:45 PM
Quote from: RamblinEvilMushroomDS on January 12, 2011, 08:31:43 PM
I think they would just release the games on 3DVC.
I bet they will make remakes instead of that

and Re-remakes of Red/Green/Blue :)

That's a terrible idea.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 12, 2011, 10:12:19 PM

We gotta go back to Kanto and see BROCK.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 14, 2011, 08:40:32 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on January 12, 2011, 10:12:19 PM

We gotta go back to Kanto and see BROCK.


5th gen:
Colosseum 3DS
Box R/S

and Pokemon Wii  (for good measure  ;D)

Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Maxite on January 17, 2011, 10:55:58 PM
This is sorta why I think they'll do a bizarre set of paired games: One of Kanto (Yellow), and one of Hoenn (Emerald). They can even do a promotional advertisement similar to what was done for Twilight (Are you a Team Kanto, or a Team Hoenn?! Pre-order your game and enter the code on the back for a chance to win...).
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 17, 2011, 10:59:56 PM
I swear I had a post after tacopill.

Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on January 17, 2011, 11:36:32 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 14, 2011, 08:40:32 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on January 12, 2011, 10:12:19 PM

We gotta go back to Kanto and see BROCK.


5th gen:
Colosseum 3DS
Box R/S

and Pokemon Wii  (for good measure  ;D)

*I doubt we will see emerald remade. (did not remake crystal)
* we might see red green and yellow on virtual console

* rumored pokemon wii game:
New Pokémon battling game in works for Wii (
(this will be the Gale of darkess and colosseum for wii)
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 17, 2011, 11:43:02 PM
Goddammit, I want Stadium 3.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 18, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
there are too many posts for me to respond too, so i will summurize it:

* I don't know where Aiko's post went
* Yea, i can see us not getting an Emerald remake  :'(; But i was on a roll  ;D.
* I want Stadium 3 as well!
* I would like to see Red and Blue on VC. I doubt we would get Red and Green, since we never got them in the first place.

How do you know it will be XD/Coliseum? are you secretly a Nintendo Employee? :eekdance:
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on January 18, 2011, 10:20:48 PM
I use bulbanews a lot. I at least check it every day/
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 19, 2011, 08:06:19 PM
But my point it, i don't think it has been confirmed to be a remake of XD/Coliseum. It just says that there is a rumor of a Pokemon game coming.

Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on January 19, 2011, 08:14:15 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 18, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
* I would like to see Red and Blue on VC. I doubt we would get Red and Green, since we never got them in the first place.
Technically, we did get Red and Green, since the international Red and Blue Version used the same Pokémon lists as the Japanese Red and Green, the Japanese Blue had a completely different version-exclusive Pokémon list than the international Blue.

In other words, we got Green, just as Blue. We never got jpBlue.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on January 19, 2011, 09:14:17 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 19, 2011, 08:06:19 PM
But my point it, i don't think it has been confirmed to be a remake of XD/Coliseum. It just says that there is a rumor of a Pokemon game coming.

If you read what i said it was rumored
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on January 20, 2011, 07:56:26 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on January 19, 2011, 08:14:15 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 18, 2011, 09:33:31 PM
* I would like to see Red and Blue on VC. I doubt we would get Red and Green, since we never got them in the first place.
Technically, we did get Red and Green, since the international Red and Blue Version used the same Pokémon lists as the Japanese Red and Green, the Japanese Blue had a completely different version-exclusive Pokémon list than the international Blue.

In other words, we got Green, just as Blue. We never got jpBlue.

Yea.... that makes sense.
Quote from: pikachu8090 on January 19, 2011, 09:14:17 PM
Quote from: tacopill on January 19, 2011, 08:06:19 PM
But my point it, i don't think it has been confirmed to be a remake of XD/Coliseum. It just says that there is a rumor of a Pokemon game coming.

If you read what i said it was rumored

Yes, but you also say "(this will be the Gale of darkess and colosseum for wii)"

Quote from: pikachu8090 on January 17, 2011, 11:36:32 PM
*I doubt we will see emerald remade. (did not remake crystal)
* we might see red green and yellow on virtual console

* rumored pokemon wii game:
New Pokémon battling game in works for Wii (
(this will be the Gale of darkess and colosseum for wii)

Which sort-of confused me.... I am sorry to say....

re-reading it now, i see what you were saying..... :)
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on February 02, 2011, 12:44:30 AM
New Game Corner
"Mauville Electric Game Corner"
Jp versionInternational
Slot Machines/RouletteVoltorb Flip/Mini Trozei
Crane Game w/coin capsles/prizesCoin Operated Crane Game w/pokedoll prizes  

    Features included in both versions
3D Voltorb Pinball
Mii Photo Booth for Trainer ID (Coin Operated & changes Trainer Class for Multiplayer)
Coin Jukebox

Bike Route could have racing minigame where you use 3DS camera, & feet to pedal bike while steering with the tilt function.

Trick Master's house could have 3D puzzles, using Tilt, Mic & Touchscreen Features, with Mystery Gift Event Puzzles & Secret Bases can be set up like his place.[/list]
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on February 02, 2011, 12:55:24 AM
I don't think they'll have Game Corners anymore, I mean, Black and White didn't.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on February 02, 2011, 08:00:20 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on February 02, 2011, 12:55:24 AM
I don't think they'll have Game Corners anymore, I mean, Black and White didn't.

Black and White was justified in the losing of it, since NYC doesn't have (legal) gambling facilities on every corner.

I think it remakes of Ruby and Sapphire would still keep a game corner in it.

Also, a Jukebox would be awesome, especially if they included game music and anime music from the franchise.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on February 07, 2011, 11:41:00 PM
Team Magma & Team Aqua should have seperate Theme Music,
The player Battling Both teams, but in the end, only one Team Releases the Legendary Pokemon, causing the second team to retaliate by releasing the other, big mistake, a locked building gets destroyed, allowing the player to enter later, Team Aqua/Magma each takes on their own Legendary with either Wallace or Steven, but the prommenent Team asks for the Player's help to capture it; If player faints the pokemon, oppisite team captures the other; the Pokemon the Player failed to capture recharges at the cave of orign, reactivating its abillity after players defeat Juan (or Wallace, possibly depending on version). causing the Waterfall at Ever Grande to either dry up, or cause a wild current, forcing the player to capture the Legendary Pokemon in order to pass through Victory Road.

Ever Grande City is now an actual City, with a Wi-Fi Terminal, a Cable/Phone/Internet company's HQ, upgrading the pokenav to display video when recieving calls, & allowing multiplayer/Wi-Fi voicechat, and allows in-game TV Reports, and Radio to be brodcast as well, and has a large population, Elite Four can be battled in any order, and each use five Pokemon, six Pokemon later, after player defeats Champion Wallace, Player recieves a call from Steven saying the oppisite version Team Leader is at Shoal Cave trying to either steal Moss Rock at the seafloor, or Ice Rock in the Frozen area, (version exclusive Eeveelutions) or at Meteor Falls using explosives to drive out Bagon, because Dragon Types can change the weather.

Then Steven returns to being the Champion, and after defeating him, the player is entered into the hall of fame.

These Pokemon should be added to the Hoenn pokedex
Frosslass, Galade, Probopass, Roserade, Dusknoir(Ruby Remake), Rhyperior(Saphire), Magnezone, Regigigas, (Add two Pokemon not found in Emerald as Ruby exclusives to balance out Rhyhorn & Rhydon)

Replacing Kanto/Johto Pokemon previously in the Hoenn Pokedex, making it the first Pokedex to be altered while having the same amount of Pokemon.

« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2011, 08:00:20 PM »   


QuoteBlack and White was justified in the losing of the game corner, since NYC doesn't have (legal) gambling facilities on every corner.

I think it remakes of Ruby and Sapphire would still keep a game corner in it.

Also, a Jukebox would be awesome, especially if they included game music and anime music from the franchise.

Any comment on the Pokedoll crane game, and Mii Photo Booth for Wi-Fi/Multiplayer Avatars & trainer card
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on February 08, 2011, 08:39:33 PM
they add something like a music changer. it changed the background music with the certain channels in GSC HG SS (c-gear)
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on February 10, 2011, 12:00:42 AM
I like many of the suggestions you have made.

Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 07, 2011, 11:41:00 PM
Any comment on the Pokedoll crane game, and Mii Photo Booth for Wi-Fi/Multiplayer Avatars & trainer card

Sorry, i have no comments on this.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on February 17, 2011, 08:06:45 PM

Devon GoodsDevon Goods
Museum (Team Aqua)Museum
Meteor Falls/Mt. ChimneyMeteor Falls/Mt. Chimney (Team Magma)
Weather CenterWeather Center
Mt. PyreMt. Pyre
Magma Hideout (E)Aqua Base
Undersea VolcanoSeafloor Cavern
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on February 20, 2011, 12:35:18 AM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 17, 2011, 08:06:45 PM

Devon GoodsDevon Goods
Meteor Falls/Mt. Chimney
Weather CenterWeather Center
Mt. PyreMt. Pyre
Magma Hideout (E)Aqua Base
Undersea VolcanoSeafloor Cavern

Is this a list of Hoenn-based version-exclusive areas?

If so, if you don't mind me asking, Why is "Weather Center" on it? is it different from version-to-version?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on February 22, 2011, 05:54:00 PM
Quote from: tacopill on February 20, 2011, 12:35:18 AM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 17, 2011, 08:06:45 PM

Devon GoodsDevon Goods
Meteor Falls/Mt. Chimney
Weather CenterWeather Center
Mt. PyreMt. Pyre
Magma Hideout (E)Aqua Base
Undersea VolcanoSeafloor Cavern

Is this a list of Hoenn-based version-exclusive areas?

If so, if you don't mind me asking, Why is "Weather Center" on it? is it different from version-to-version?

A different Team for each scenario, all I couldn't figure out was the Space Center.  Which would have 3f, and be taken over, but I couldn't figure how it could be equal...
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on February 24, 2011, 11:23:11 PM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 22, 2011, 05:54:00 PM
Quote from: tacopill on February 20, 2011, 12:35:18 AM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 17, 2011, 08:06:45 PM

Devon GoodsDevon Goods
Meteor Falls/Mt. Chimney
Weather CenterWeather Center
Mt. PyreMt. Pyre
Magma Hideout (E)Aqua Base
Undersea VolcanoSeafloor Cavern

Is this a list of Hoenn-based version-exclusive areas?

If so, if you don't mind me asking, Why is "Weather Center" on it? is it different from version-to-version?

A different Team for each scenario, all I couldn't figure out was the Space Center.  Which would have 3f, and be taken over, but I couldn't figure how it could be equal..., "Senerio", do you mean version? Also, i'm not sure you answered my second question...

Also, Also, do you know the Space Center would have a 3f, or are you suggesting/thinking it?

If i am being annoying, i will stop with the questions.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on February 24, 2011, 11:37:46 PM
A different team appears in that location in each version, Blue for Aqua, Red for Magma...

Hmm? Glow doesn't seem to work properly within a Table...

I also have a complex Game Corner design with tons of minigames.
Come see my customized Game Corner at

I may have to need the thread moved...
I can't seem to add the poll corectly, with multiple choice, I'm going to delete & repost now...
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on February 25, 2011, 09:35:01 PM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on February 24, 2011, 11:37:46 PM
A different team appears in that location in each version, Blue for Aqua, Red for Magma...

Sounds good.  Thank you for clearing that up.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Zesty Cactus on March 02, 2011, 02:41:06 AM
i still want Game Freak to troll everyone and make a FRLG remake instead. 8D
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on March 03, 2011, 08:15:40 PM
Quote from: Zesty Cactus on March 02, 2011, 02:41:06 AM
i still want Game Freak to troll everyone and make a FRLG remake instead. 8D

They can't make all of them?.....And avoid trolling us at the same time?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on March 03, 2011, 08:55:19 PM
Quote from: Zesty Cactus on March 02, 2011, 02:41:06 AM
i still want Game Freak to troll everyone and make a FRLG remake instead. 8D

That would be 3DS VC, along with Emerald, possibly with Transfer Machine abillity programed in in order to send them to Gen V games, (It would also be great if they were compatible with Pal-Park and Pokemon Dash as well), with an option in the menu to link to DS game has system read VC as GBA slot, it could work with  for Pokemon Black & white, & connect wirelessly to transfer machine.

All other wirless features would remain the same, with Wi-Fi Battling at some area.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on March 04, 2011, 08:33:58 PM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on March 03, 2011, 08:55:19 PM
Quote from: Zesty Cactus on March 02, 2011, 02:41:06 AM
i still want Game Freak to troll everyone and make a FRLG remake instead. 8D

That would be 3DS VC, along with Emerald, possibly with Transfer Machine abillity programed in in order to send them to Gen V games, (It would also be great if they were compatible with Pal-Park and Pokemon Dash as well), with an option in the menu to link to DS game has system read VC as GBA slot, it could work with  for Pokemon Black & white, & connect wirelessly to transfer machine.

All other wirless features would remain the same, with Wi-Fi Battling at some area.

how do you know these things :laugh:. are you secretly a Nintendo employee?  :P
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Mari-Illustrious-Makinami on March 05, 2011, 03:04:30 AM
No, he's just one of those dumbasses who thinks that "THEY'LL DO THIS"
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Tattletale1 on March 07, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on March 05, 2011, 03:04:30 AM
No, he's just one of those dumbasses who thinks that "THEY'LL DO THIS"
I'm just saying they probably wouldn't remake a remake, maybe they'd put jp. Blue & Yellow as remake releases, but that's about it, Fr/Lg would be nice to see rereleased, not remade.
I meant to say I'd like to see Emerald for a Re-release as well...
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on March 10, 2011, 12:36:01 AM
Quote from: Tattletale1 on March 07, 2011, 04:12:40 PM
Quote from: Aiko-chan on March 05, 2011, 03:04:30 AM
No, he's just one of those dumbasses who thinks that "THEY'LL DO THIS"
I'm just saying they probably wouldn't remake a remake, maybe they'd put jp. Blue & Yellow as remake releases, but that's about it, Fr/Lg would be nice to see rereleased, not remade.
I meant to say I'd like to see Emerald for a Re-release as well...

Ok. That makes more sense.

And Aiko:  :'( why so mean?
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pokemonforever2929 on March 10, 2011, 10:15:02 PM
2 things. 1: when I cranked up my speakers that were conected to my ds REALLY  loud and the unova elite 4 theme sounds a little bit like the heonn elite 4 theme... 2: on pokemon's website you can now get new trainer costumes for heonn characters...
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on March 12, 2011, 10:19:39 PM
Quote from: pokemonforever2929 on March 10, 2011, 10:15:02 PM
2 things. 1: when I cranked up my speakers that were conected to my ds REALLY  loud and the unova elite 4 theme sounds a little bit like the heonn elite 4 theme... 2: on pokemon's website you can now get new trainer costumes for heonn characters...

ok. But what does this have to do with them being remade? Are they possible signs of them doing the remakes,  Like there were references in FireRed/LeafGreen for HeartGold/SoulSilver (
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: pikachu8090 on March 31, 2011, 02:22:51 AM
Where the battle tower was might be the battle frontier.

Also I would like to see some event from the Unova region games that will unlock a special pokemon that cannot be traded to previous games in that gen like in HGSS. This would be cool to see this.  Maybe there may be some events to get the Gen III pokemon like deoxys which hasn't been a wi-fi since guardians sign and Ruby and Sapphire didn't have a in game event for him.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Sazandora on April 01, 2011, 10:13:01 PM
I want to see remakes for Ruby & Sapphire and FireRed & LeafGreen. Maybe one of each, like the paired version being one of each. It will be kind of hard having two remakes for the Hoenn games after Emerald, although it could have the same storyline, while only being able to catch one of the two. So something like OzoneEmerald and SeaBlue. It will be cool to see Kanto and Hoenn in the 3D style of Black and White.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Naesala on April 01, 2011, 10:17:28 PM
Are there any "hints" to remakes in Black/White? Like how in Diamond and Pearl had Jasmine show up and the floor of the Pokémon centers had a gold/silver design.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: Sazandora on April 01, 2011, 11:36:48 PM
None as big as that really, but there's a page on Bulbapedia with a lot of smaller ones. (
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: tacopill on April 09, 2011, 12:06:26 AM
which kind of upsets me. I was really hoping for clues for other remakes, like what i saw in FireRed and LeafGreen.

Then again, maybe i shouldn't be looking for clues for remakes, in new games; when i found the first set of clues in remakes in the first place.
Title: Re: Ruby&Sapphire remakes
Post by: KidIcarus on July 03, 2015, 03:51:42 PM
I think it already did lol