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Messages - Axiomist

That door operates with a second symbol also, draw the Hourglass shape on it.

1        2

3       4 (then back to 1)

If I remember it correctly
This is the first Zelda title I didn't 100% complete. You need to beat the Goron Dancing for 2 of the rings which I doubt I'll ever be able to do. But if you have a file that beat both OoA and OoS and started a new quest you can get the rings passwords, tell it to Farore and get all of the rings from both of your games ported over.
Word from secondary sources is that they overtaxed mysql and had everything wiped out without warning. I haven't heard from Turboo herself, but given that the AA wiki was still in its infancy, not much was lost. If WiKirby went down like that in its first few weeks or so, I'd try to find at least 3-5 people that would be able to make frequent edits and start over.
The Lounge / Re: Nintendo bought Hudson soft?
August 26, 2010, 01:56:08 AM
Its always good to include your source in an announcement like that. My blurb would have been more like "Nintendo invested more in ND Cube, now with a 96% ownership. ND Cube has also attracted more developers from Hudson Soft." or so...It's hard to be concise in a single sentence or two. Usually why WiKirby news is long :P

Great find tho!
The Lounge / Re: Nintendo bought Hudson soft?
August 25, 2010, 09:09:46 PM
It's looking like a misinterpretation of Nintendo's investment in a Hudson Soft project.

It's down right now, Turboo will inform us when everything is back to normal.
I'll await your proposal to cast my approving vote for AC wiki and Lylat Wiki as affiliates of our garden during their germinating stage.
Animal Crossing Wiki

Jake of Animal Crossing Forums.net has informed me that his staff is ready to be a publicly released wiki! It's a new wiki, so be sure to report any issues, as you poke around. I'm certain they would appreciate any articles, images, reviews of the site, links to resources from Nintendo, templates, or more importantly advertising. It's a good wiki! It don't chew up the furniture!

Note: I haven't heard from Yoshario about a united AC wiki, so I have no idea where that stands.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Let's have general wiki talking
August 16, 2010, 04:03:43 AM

This is another one of my favorite creations. Many of you have seen it at ZW before. Now I brought it to WK, and added a new userbox. I'm hoping to get more userboxes and sections to it someday.
Don't count it out Ghost Jam. NIWA's new and our aim right now is to strengthen our current position before branching out. I think we should get affiliated with as many independent wikis as possible. And in time, we may notice several 2nd Party title wikis, or console specific ones, etc and find a way to accommodate them.
The Lounge / Another Wiki with Wikia problems
August 12, 2010, 06:31:31 AM
Telarpedia vs Wikia

During some searches, I found this and figured to tell them a bit about NIWA. Although it's not a Nintendo franchise, I'm looking to make friends everywhere possible!
The Lounge / Re: Gaming FML joke thread
August 12, 2010, 04:29:59 AM
Today, I only had one point of health left and my stupid CO sent me into battle because he was using a Super CO Power. FML.
Kirby / Re: Kirby Air Ride
August 07, 2010, 10:03:59 PM
I have 2 KAR discs (used) and neither work. :( Shame bc I can hook my GCN to my computer for screens and vids. I plan to do so with the GBA player as soon as I finish Canvas Curse articles.

Kirby / Re: Kirby's Epic Yarn
August 07, 2010, 10:02:11 PM
Awesome! WiKirby will probably need a lot of help upon the release. Man I'm actually excited for this, it's the first console Kirby game in forever and a half. After creating WiKirby, I justified the expense to people by saying "There will be another Kirby console title soon." but I didn't expect it within the same year. I secretly hoped we'd have more time to get prepared for such a large release and better known. But these are the cards we were dealt. Let's play them out!
*high fives dany*

You one upped my announcement with the visual tho! And yeah I'm glad they like the army-speak enough to keep it, cuz we all know personality is what I'm all about!!
NIWA Discussion / Since we don't have a news page....
August 07, 2010, 07:36:07 AM
Wars Wiki's new main page!

My draft which I asked reviews on has been superceded by this one! One of the Bulbapedia guys became their newest admin and opted to create the main page as a homage to Bulbapedia's. We all know Bulbapedia has the cleanest Main Page, and I think a friendly site employing a similar one is a great way to foster further innovation on the design. The two sites will naturally evolve their main pages independent of one another, but as NIWA members, likely will share tips and improvements.

But more importantly, now all of the NIWA members have awesome looking Main Pages! In fact if there were Wiki Main Page awards, I'm sure the top 6 candidates would be us!
I think GameHiker covers everything. So I'd default to them for everything. People should still be encourage to create fan wikis which would have more coverage of a series tho.
Yes, and to be fair to them, so there's no rejections yet, I'm going to encourage the view that these aren't yet membership requests. I want people to see it as some new wikis that should be members someday- and get to helping them!

So far, the strongest one is the Animal Crossing Wiki. I have the link but I haven't heard if they are prepped for a semi-public soft launch. I've been busy, they've been busy, so we haven't communicated.
The Lounge / Re: Lylat Wiki
July 31, 2010, 10:38:36 PM
If you guys finish your policy pages http://grifkuba.org/starfox/wiki/Lylat_Wiki:About
Get the news for the Star Fox 3DS game, on the Main Page at least.
QuoteWe have 31 articles of 1,024 pages and 80 files on Star Fox, including Star Fox and Star Fox.
Is that a joke? "Star Fox, Star Fox, and Star Fox" If not fixing it would be good.

And show interest in the wiki, I'd be glad to have Lylat Wiki as a WiKirby affiliate.
NIWA Discussion / Re: Metroid Wiki Update
July 27, 2010, 03:30:55 AM
I think they are worried we'll do the same thing. Which we haven't and will not.