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Messages - Steve

NIWA Discussion / Re: Leader
October 01, 2010, 09:12:15 PM
I think Xizor definitely has the qualifications and ideas for being a manager here, so I absolutely support him taking charge here.
The Lounge / Re: Wikia announces new layout
September 13, 2010, 11:18:59 PM
Quote from: Tina on September 04, 2010, 06:03:56 PM
I mean even if it wasn't Wikia, I would hate that skin to death. I really hate this 'social' trend that's been going around websites lately, and from a reader's viewpoint rather than an editors...
I disagree there, the reader's view should ALWAYS be more important than the editor's, for that is the purpose of a wiki's existence. The problem here, is that this skin doesn't seem to cater to the reader at all, rather the editor, with those recent image gadgets and whatnot. I, as a reader, do not want to see any of that, nor the ads.