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Messages - Justin

Listen, I personally have very mixed feelings about Zelda Wiki moving. However, it cannot be denied that Zelda Wiki helped to found this very organization (I should know; I was there on day 1 when we launched). In addition, the staff members are still in charge of the operation of the wiki, and I have spoken with Gamepedia staff since I came back from hiatus. They offer assistance when asked and will occasionally make suggestions, but they take absolutely no role in the operation of the site.

Now many of you probably understand exactly how hurt I must feel about the site being sold. I've spent nearly a decade of my life helping the site in some capacity. Despite how I feel, I still choose to support it. NIWA was a very different place 7 years ago, full of hopeful kids and young adults with big dreams. Unfortunately, time has presented new challenges that couldn't exactly be solved in the most ideal of ways. Throwing Zelda Wiki to the wayside because of this is plain unfair to the efforts of those who heartily fought to make this dream a reality, especially those who are no longer with us. I think they can certainly get a pass on this one, for whatever my opinion is worth.

As a disclaimer, I'm not a Zelda Wiki staff member anymore. I'm currently acting independently, although I am helping them again.
Wiki References / Re: The Importance of Backups
February 10, 2014, 04:56:13 AM
Not sure. I don't even know how I knew that was your name.

But anyways, I'm not a fan of bleeding edge stuff because it's all great "in theory." In practice, things can get ugly. I tried using the bleeding edge Ubuntu release and within an hour had deleted it in favor of the 12.04 LTS.
Wiki References / Re: The Importance of Backups
February 08, 2014, 05:47:17 PM
I take it into account because there are other staff members with FTP access. While I'm the only one who has the privileged account for high level work, we also have an account which allows the rest of our staff to access and modify the files in the event that an extension needs to be reconfigured or something.

Although I will say that those are some pretty good ideas, Steve. Of course, I'd like to point out that you should always set $wgReadOnly before backing up anything, which will also prevent file uploads. That will narrow your main point of contention to others changing the files as you back up. But, as you've suggested, storing modification times or doing a checksum could greatly assist with ensuring the quality of your backup.

As far as btrfs goes, does it support journaling? I would never recommend a filesystem that doesn't, regardless of what cool features it has. Things break eventually, and journaling has proven invaluable in figuring out why on more than one occasion.
Wiki References / Re: The Importance of Backups
February 07, 2014, 07:17:52 PM
Quote from: FlyingRagnar on January 21, 2014, 08:11:16 PM
An excellent write up Justin.  Can you also share your thoughts on backing up the file system?  Since this can be many, many GBs of data, I'm curious how often you do a tar of the files and then store them remotely somewhere.  Weekly?

Backing up filesystems is a nasty piece of work, since they can grow to astronomical sizes. What I'd recommend is that you rsync the wiki directory to your backup server and then tar and gzip it.
To accomplish this, you'll either have to set the username and password for the login on the other server, or you can set up SSH keys. I'd recommend creating a separate user whose sole function is to perform the rysnc, for security purposes. You could run the rsync on either the webserver or the backup server, but I recommend the backup. I don't recommend piping the rsync through tar, though, unless you're the only one with access to the files. I say this for two reasons:

1. An initial rsync takes awhile, but anything after that is trivial. It checks for differences in files, and this is usually quick and efficient.
2. A user changing something mid-rsync could cause things to go FUBAR, and could even create a broken backup. For example:

Say someone is testing a new extension, and discovers that it doesn't do what he or she thought. The user then removes the
require_once() in Localsettings and removes the extension. However, the rsync has already synced the LocalSettings, and it ends up creating a backup with that line still there, but without the extension. You now have a non-functional backup, and for a production server, error_reporting is usually turned off by default, which means that:
1. You have no clue why it's broken
2. The only two ways to figure out are extensive testing or exposing your errors by temporarily enabling error_reporting.

The first situation may take a long time, which equals lots of downtime. This is BAD. The second effectively tells the whole world about your stack trace, and can give potential attackers something to work with.
I know in this situation, a stack trace isn't really going to hurt you, but this is just one scenario. Imagine if (god forbid) you used eval() somewhere. Hold your stones, people, I'm not advocating the use of eval(). But let's say it's used by something, and a potential attacker sees that exposed. They now effectively know where they can insert malicious PHP code to do what they want.

Just because I mentioned eval(), I feel it's my duty to let you know that eval() is dangerous and there is almost never any call to use it. It evaluates a passed string as PHP code, and the potential for its abuse is very real. If you ever see ANYTHING that uses eval(), steer clear. Steer VERY clear. It's more trouble than it's worth, I promise.

Now, ZW rsyncs the full wiki directory to a secure location and then runs a script to create a zipped archive at a scheduled time. It also uses a logrotate style method which deletes the backups older than seven days. You may not be able to do this if your server doesn't have enough room, but I definitely recommend it.

Sorry for the late reply. I'm up to my ears in work between Zelda Wiki and a couple other sites.
Wiki References / The Importance of Backups
January 03, 2014, 06:55:30 PM
Howdy, guys. I wanted to make a quick thread to educate everyone on the importance of having regular, steady backups available for your server.

So let's say you've got a wiki on a server, and everything's going great. You've got a decent userbase and you've built up a nice amount of content. Then something happens. Maybe the database crashes for some reason. Whatever the reason for it, you've now lost your database and can't recover it.
This is where the prepared webmaster will clear the bugged database and recreate it from a backup.
This is where the unprepared webmaster will spend hours in vain trying to recover data until finally giving up and having to admit to his users that the data is gone.

Not sure about you guys, but I like to be the former. It's very important to maintain a system of backups, and I'll be going over some tips about creating a system for making regular backups. Note that you need shell access to your server for this. If you don't have it, you can usually get it enabled by your hosting company if you open a support request.

1. Create a script to backup your database regularly
Your first step should be to write a script which can run as a cron job to back up the DB. If you're too lazy to do this, send me an email. I've created a modular script which you can set up with your site's configuration that will provide you with a stable backup system.

Things to consider in your script:
A) Your script should not be in your web directory. To run automatically, it needs to have the password for your mysql user in it, and you don't want to publicize that information.

B) Consider keeping multiple backups, in case an underlying issue occurs but remains undetected for a little while. My recommendation is as follows:
Low-traffic ( < 20 edits per day ): Backup at least twice a week, keeping two weeks' worth of backups.
Mid-traffic ( 20-100 edits per day ): Backup 3-4 times a week, and keep at least 5 backups at one time.
High-traffic ( > 100 edits per day ): Backup every day, and keep a full week's worth of backups.
Naturally, the more edits you have per day, the more often you want to backup the DB. You want to make sure you stay up to date on the data in your backups.

C) Be sure to lock your database before backing it up. If you open LocalSettings.php, you can put the database into lock mode automatically by setting $wgReadOnly. You should set it with a message to the users explaining that you are performing maintenance and that the wiki is temporarily read-only. Here's a sample message:
$wgReadOnly = "The database is currently locked from editing while we perform routine maintenance. Check back in about fifteen minutes and it should be unlocked again. We apologize for the inconvenience.";

D) Plan a solid location for your backups. If possible, try to store your backups on a remote server, or on a separate drive from your database. It's very counterintuitive to keep your DB and backups in the same location on the same drive. If there's a filesystem failure, you lose the backups, too! I'M WORKING WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS THIS PROBLEM; DO NOT REPEAT HIS MISTAKE!

2. Test your script.
Once you've made the script, test it on a development server or a local install. Don't test it on your production server, as you run the risk of a small bug destroying everything.

3. Automate the script.
Once you've made the script, you need to automate it. If you're running a Microsoft IIS server, you'll need to research how to do that for yourself. (Sorry, but I don't advocate or support Windows.)
Linux distros usually allow each use to set their own crontab file via the crontab command. You can type crontab -e to edit the file with your default text editor. If you don't understand how a crontab works, this article goes in-depth about how to format a crontab file. Choose a time when your editing traffic is the lowest. Usually, the optimal time will be 7-10 AM UTC, as that is 2-5 AM EST in America. If the bulk of your traffic doesn't come from the US, identify your heaviest area of traffic, and tailor your database locking to non-peak traffic times for that region. If you have root access, you can view crontab files in /var/spool/crontab/, but it is not recommended to edit them directly. Use crontab -e instead. Do not place it in a system cron (/etc/crontab), because it will not run as the user who owns the files. It will instead run as root, and if the script manipulates any files, root will gain ownership of them.

4. Create your initial backup.
Run the script yourself! But again, don't do it during peak hours. You'll inconvenience your users, and could even cause some to think your site is broken. MediaWiki's readonly message is very unnoticeable at the top of edit forms, and it provides no indication other than a notice. Users can still edit the form and even click the save button, but the DB will refuse the connection and will not save the edit.
Once you have your initial backup, test its integrity and even try to import it into a local installation to ensure that it's working properly.

5. Monitor your backups regularly.
Pay attention to your script. It's a good idea to check your mail every time you login, just to be sure that there's no errors. And just to clarify, I'm talking about the account's mail on the server. Again, I can't help IIS users, but Linux distros store their mail in a file located in /var/mail/(username). I always read mine with:
tail -n 100 /var/mail/(name) | less
That will pull the last 100 lines from the mail file, and display it in a dynamic window in which you can scroll up or down with the arrow keys. By default, cron will automatically email the user any errors produced by scripts in their cron, which can be used for debugging.
This is good practice in general. After any major updates or package upgrades, test your script to make sure that it's still functional.

6. Relax.
Now you have nothing to fear. A database corruption can't stop you!

Some of you may be wondering why I took the time to write this out. Well, it's because I've noticed a disturbing trend of webmasters not backing their sites up, which can WILL lead to trouble in the end. It doesn't matter how long your site runs reliably; it will fail one day. Computers are not perfect. The disaster with WiKirby losing its database should serve as enough of a cautionary tale. In fact, Zelda Wiki lost some data, too, although we only lost a week's worth (and it was my own fault, anyway, because I failed to take a necessary step after an upgrade) because I was prepared.

So remember, people. Be prepared, and don't get caught with your pants down. Never dismiss the importance of backups.
Wiki References / Re: Upgrading MediaWiki version
October 06, 2013, 11:30:00 AM
@Greenpickle: Yes, that will leave the .git files. Which isn't really that much of a pain.

But I've found that the best way to upgrade is with the shell. It can be done completely painlessly, and the switch can take only seconds.

For starters, upload the new wiki files and put them in a directory named something like new_wiki. Next, create an exact copy of your LocalSettings.php, and add this at the bottom:
$wgReadOnly"We are currently updating our MediaWiki version and have therefore disabled editing. Please check back in a few minutes!";

Then, make a shell script! It'll look something like this:

#MediaWiki upgrade script

#Start by copying the images from the old version to the new
cp -r /var/www/wiki/images/ /var/www/new_wiki/

#Next, backup LocalSettings.php
cp /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.bak

#Then put the new file over the current LocalSettings
mv -f /var/www/wiki/NewLocalSettings.php /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php

#We'll also give the new wiki directory a copy of our LocalSettings and .htaccess (if applicable)
cp /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php /var/www/new_wiki/LocalSettings.php
cp /var/www/wiki/.htaccess /path/to/new_wiki/.htaccess

#Now, we're going to rename the wiki directory (to save the old files in case something goes horribly wrong)
mv /var/www/wiki/ /var/www/old_wiki/

#And then put the new files in place.
mv /var/www/new_wiki/ /var/www/wiki/

#Run the database update
php /var/www/wiki/maintenance/update.php

#Unlock the database
mv -f /var/www/old_wiki/LocalSettings.bak /var/www/wiki/LocalSettings.php

This is for a Linux server, of course. And the paths may differ. I just used /var/www/ as an example. If your server has multiple sites, your wiki is probably stored in a home directory of a user, like /home/xwiki/public_html/wiki/

Anyways, the script looks like it does a lot (and it does), but there is literally no quicker way to do something than with a shell script. It enters commands to the machine immediately, so when it finishes one operation, it quickly moves on to the next. Without a doubt the best way to minimize downtime. Hope this helps!
Zelda Wiki has a disambiguation page for The Legend of Zelda, given how many possible meanings it could hold, so I would suggest the same for Metroid Wiki. Of course, you're all free to do whatever the hey you please.
The Lounge / Re: This place used to be fun
August 17, 2013, 05:57:15 PM

Yeah, I used to be active and all that... and then I disappeared for two years. And then I returned and swore I'd stick with Zelda Wiki only. And now I'm here again. Goddammit.
NIWA Discussion / Re: WiKirby is broked
August 17, 2013, 03:40:41 PM
Adam, at this point, I hardly see this as you being around. You allowed the site to be broken for over two weeks, and even allowed the domain to expire. It's become quite clear at this point that you are no longer capable of maintaining it, and I therefore stand by the decision of the others to remove it from your ownership. I'm sorry it came to this, but you refused to give out access to the server to anyone and then disappeared. "It's what Ax would've wanted" is no longer a valid excuse, because I'm pretty sure that Josh's intention was not to have his site maintained by one person who can't devote enough time to even know when the damn thing is broken.

If I'm a tad harsh, it's because these people are upset with you. Hell, you didn't even take the time to see that they had to make a new WiKirby with everything ported over! But frankly, you need to reconsider your actions. I find this lack of action to be rather off-putting. If you're going to be in charge of it, people should've at least been able to reach you.
Been awhile, but I'm back. I'm trying to keep up with NIWA, but I'm still a very busy man, so forgive me if I can't come around every day.
The Lounge / Re: Seeking C# Assistance
July 29, 2011, 07:09:20 PM
What happened?
NIWA Discussion / I'm taking some time off
June 14, 2011, 02:53:39 PM
I hate to do this, but the s**t has hit the fan in my life right now, so I'm taking some time away from everything internet related. You may see me on every now and then, but I've really got too much to worry about in my life right now.

I promise I'll try to return ASAP, but I just have to deal with all this crap first. If you need to reach me desperately, email me at jfolvarcik[at]gmail[dot]com.

Good luck to NIWA and all the other sites while I'm gone.
The Lounge / Re: What are you playing now?
June 08, 2011, 10:01:52 PM
I just bought Mass Effect 2 not long ago. I'm continuing my game from Mass Effect 1, and I'm really liking the series so far.

Now I wait for Mass Effect 3 to come out.
Nintendo Gaming / Re: ANGRY BIRDS!!!!!
June 05, 2011, 07:30:04 PM
That's because the iPhone and iPod aren't made for gaming. People are just putting games on there because they can. Most of those games happen to suck, though.
The Lounge / Seeking C# Assistance
June 02, 2011, 02:02:01 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm currently trying to learn C#, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a good website that has good, correct information and is capable of teaching me everything I need to know to get started in C#.

If anyone knows any good material, please pass on the info. Grazie in advance, mi amici!
Wiki References / Re: Best MediaWiki Hosts
May 31, 2011, 12:58:07 PM
Tappy. did you say the VPS had slow loads?  (For Dreamhost, I mean.) If Dreamhost is going to cause problems, I'd rather start looking for a new company now. I know Lylat Wiki will eventually need that upgrade. I'm just dreading the day because I know it's gonna be costly >.<
Moved to public. Many people knew Josh, and there's no point keeping it in the staff forums when there are many non-staff editors who would care to talk about him.
This is a bit much to discover. I've worked with him for a long time, and I even used to see him as a mentor. His passing is difficult news to take, honestly. It will be a different place without him around here.

My laptop has been fixed and I'm back.
Forward me that email, please? (The one with your IP logging in)