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Messages - Mariofan13

NIWA Discussion / Re: German NIWA
May 15, 2014, 06:20:52 PM
(I hope double-posting doesn't matter)

The content managing system Contao is installed, but I haven't had any time for creating the homepage yet because of school :(
NIWA Discussion / Re: German NIWA
March 08, 2014, 11:41:48 AM
Because I have problems with uploading the files to my server, setting up the homepage of german NIWA will take longer than expected, I'm so sorry - and a little bit annoyed :D
NIWA Discussion / Re: German NIWA
March 03, 2014, 11:19:37 PM
Bulbagarden forums ar erunning with vBulletin 4.2. vBilletin 4.2 is acceptable. vBulletin 5 is buggy and trash. Even in the german support forum vbulletin-germany.com the staff recommends NOT to use/buy vBulletin anymore :)

And yes, the captcha is gone now :)

Okay, maybe I will start another thread tomorrow :)
NIWA Discussion / Re: German NIWA
March 03, 2014, 09:41:55 PM
Quote from: Moydow on March 03, 2014, 07:58:48 PM

Quote from: Mariofan13 on March 03, 2014, 06:52:28 PM
Quotehe niwa homepage doesn't use a CMS. It is a hand coded, custom website. It's slightly technical since it isn't one file per page you see, but it isn't a full blown CMS either. Also, There is a (eventual) plan to change the NIWA website forums to another software, but we are still waiting for that.

To which software? I hope no vBulletin :D

Pretty sure that's the current plan - last I heard, anyway.

Yes,  I also think that MyBB is the best free forum. But I recommend not to use a vBulletin. vBulletin 3 was pretty good but then the company Internet Brands took Jelsoft, the delveloper of vBulletin, over - and the following versions 4 and especially the current version 5 are not more than bugs :) There are lots of big communities who merged ther vBulletin-based forums to Xenforo, Burning Board or other software. You should look for other forum software like Burning Board 4, Xenforo or maybe IP-Board :) Or continue using SMF - but please remove the stupid captcha which I must solve if I want to reply to my topic :)
In my Forum, mario-forum.net, I don't use any captcha or antispam question - and it's completely free of spam postings and spam accounts since I created it, because I use a honeypot and Stopforumspam ;)

QuoteViel Glück mit der deutschen NIWA! Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg bei ihm. :)
Thank you very much :)

I will inform you, when our homepage is finished :) Because I'm not so fit in Javascript and php, I think a CMS will be better, but I don'T wnat to use wordpress, I'm preferring Contao :) Maybe a Burning board/WoltLab Community Framework is enough for the whole webpage, I must check it :)

Is there a thread where  users can tell what happened to them at wixia? :D
NIWA Discussion / Re: German NIWA
March 03, 2014, 06:52:28 PM
Thank you :)
the german NIWA was founded when MarioWiki left Wixia at January 1st 2012 I think, but it was really not present in the worldwide web. And now we want to be more present and to get more members :) We're going to contact Pokewiki, to create a smash wiki - and to create our homepage and board.  Die, Wikia!! >:( 8)

I prefer Burning Board, because I created the german Mario Forum with Burning Board too, and I really like the software :)

Quotehe niwa homepage doesn't use a CMS. It is a hand coded, custom website. It's slightly technical since it isn't one file per page you see, but it isn't a full blown CMS either. Also, There is a (eventual) plan to change the NIWA website forums to another software, but we are still waiting for that.

To which software? I hope no vBulletin :D
NIWA Discussion / German NIWA
March 03, 2014, 09:11:45 AM
Dear NIWA staff,

I'm Mariofan13, an admin of german MarioWiki and webmsater of the german Mario Forum. The german NIWA is not really present in the german web and we only have threee members, arioWiki, NintendoWiki and Zeldapendium. But we, some admin colleagues and I, made plans for a better internet presence of german Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance and for getting more members. At first, we want to set up a webpage and a bulletin board for NIWA on my server. The domain I registered for the homepage is niwanetzwerk.net (translation of niwanetwork). I have some questions about the homepage and the board:

  • Shall we use a similar design to your homepage or shall we create our own design?
  • If your answer is  we shall use a similar design, there's another question: Which CMS and template do you use?
  • Shall we use SimpleMachinesForum too? (I would prefer Burning Board or Xenforo, but XF is a little bit expensive :D)
We will put a link to niwanetwork.org on our page, that's sure :) It would be great if oyu can link to niwanetzwerk.net after our page is finished :)


PS:Why transparent areas of my avatar become black? I tried to set my avatar by URL and by uploading and nothing change...?