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Since we don't have a news page....

Started by Axiomist, August 07, 2010, 07:36:07 AM

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Wars Wiki's new main page!

My draft which I asked reviews on has been superceded by this one! One of the Bulbapedia guys became their newest admin and opted to create the main page as a homage to Bulbapedia's. We all know Bulbapedia has the cleanest Main Page, and I think a friendly site employing a similar one is a great way to foster further innovation on the design. The two sites will naturally evolve their main pages independent of one another, but as NIWA members, likely will share tips and improvements.

But more importantly, now all of the NIWA members have awesome looking Main Pages! In fact if there were Wiki Main Page awards, I'm sure the top 6 candidates would be us!


Yay! :D I love it! I just announced it on ZW. Pretty much stole your announcement, Ax, but hey, at least it's announced! :P I'm glad that the whole "army talk" didn't get removed. That's what I liked about it in the first place, it gives the main page some personality, haha, and it's very fitting!


*high fives dany*

You one upped my announcement with the visual tho! And yeah I'm glad they like the army-speak enough to keep it, cuz we all know personality is what I'm all about!!