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Disney thread

Started by TurtwigA, December 06, 2010, 10:58:51 PM

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This is a thread for things related to Disney.

When I was younger, I used to watch shows whose name faded from my memory, but I no longer do so now.

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Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


Gargoyles, Duck Tales, Tale Spin, and so many more, what happened to you Disney?


Quote from: Lord Ferrok on December 06, 2010, 11:26:30 PM
Gargoyles, Duck Tales, Tale Spin, and so many more, what happened to you Disney?

My guess is the 3 pm - 5 pm program block wasn't very popular with the 6 - 12 year old demographic.


Quote from: tacopill on December 07, 2010, 02:31:15 AM
Quote from: Lord Ferrok on December 06, 2010, 11:26:30 PM
Gargoyles, Duck Tales, Tale Spin, and so many more, what happened to you Disney?

My guess is the 3 pm - 5 pm program block wasn't very popular with the 6 - 12 year old demographic.

I miss the early to mid 90's, nickelodeon has fallen even farther since then


And Cartoon Network's theme has fallen even farther below. It now has a lot of farts.

At least their FusionFall thing brought the older characters back.

Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


Is "The Regular Show" any good? I lost the Cartoon Network channel on my system, so I haven't been able to follow Cartoon Network. I caught some of Chowder and Flapjack, they were okayish.


Sort of.

I should probably say how this is supposed to be a Disney thread, but I won't.

Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


Keep in mind, that as you get older, your tastes change and mature. What is good out there now won't necessarily look good to you, because they aren't what you grew up with. See Nostalgia Filter on TVTropes.


Back to Disney...

Everything past the late 90s is crap in my opinion, except for maybe The Emperor's New Groove and some other shows. My favorites were Mickey Mouse and Duck Tales.
I blame the economy.


I do love Treasure planet, though


Let's all now have a moment of silence for the old shows...

Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


Quote from: TurtwigA on January 17, 2011, 02:17:10 PM
Let's all now have a moment of silence for the old shows...

moment's done. Now to watch Phinas and Ferb. :)


Quote from: tacopill on December 07, 2010, 03:44:57 AM
Keep in mind, that as you get older, your tastes change and mature. What is good out there now won't necessarily look good to you, because they aren't what you grew up with. See Nostalgia Filter on TVTropes.

*now has 9 tabs with TVTropes open*

I failed.

Also, Phineas and Ferb rules.


Quote from: Aiko-chan on January 18, 2011, 02:01:39 AM
Quote from: tacopill on December 07, 2010, 03:44:57 AM
Keep in mind, that as you get older, your tastes change and mature. What is good out there now won't necessarily look good to you, because they aren't what you grew up with. See Nostalgia Filter on TVTropes.

*now has 9 tabs with TVTropes open*

I failed.

Also, Phineas and Ferb rules.

He he he...another addiction fed / started

Woo! Phineas and Ferb! :eekdance:


marvel avengers has some potential. star wars is good at times