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Metroid Wiki Update

Started by Melchizedek, July 05, 2010, 05:04:20 AM

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So guys, thought I'd just give NIWA an update from Metroid Wiki. We're nearing 6 months online now, and a few days ago we passed the 400 article mark - however many of them are just stubs and there are many more articles yet to be created.

We've got a great staff team these days, but don't have terribly many editors. We have a few dedicated members and many occasional editors, so if you know anything about Metroid and want to contribute please head on over, create an account and start editing. Whether you know a little or lots and whether you can contribute a little or lots, your efforts are appreciated.

It is through the efforts of all of you people that MW will be able to become the definitive online source for Metroid.



i'd like to, but kind of busy this summer and i don't know much about Metroid.


I've actually been thinking of offering my services to MW. Only problem is that MW needs content, and you know I'm not a content guy :P

I fix stuff, and there's not much to FIX XD

I will try to help out a bit if I can, though.
Server bureaucrat of Zelda Wiki. I fix what you break.

Also a tech administrator for Poniverse.


Yeah. I'm not sure I'd be much good for you yet. I'm more of a coding, template, and trouble shooting guy. Mel's already used most of the templates I made for ZW and has a good handle on them.  I wouldn't be good for content, I only have two Metriod games and I haven' finished either of them.
Perhaps when it's a bit larger though I can jump in there and do a bit of coding. I'll take a peak now and then anyway though, see if there's anything I can do now.
Veteran member, former admin, and currently returned to activity as a patroller of Zelda Wiki.org.

"Shields are aphrodisiacs for Like Likes."


I'm sorry too. I've only got the Prime Trilogy and I'm not that good at adding information on the areas and enemies, which is basically what the whole game is about. Plus, there is also the manga...


I'm playing Prime 2 right now, working for 100% Scans, so when I'm done with that, I'll work in Logbook stuff from that game.

Look for Big Red on the Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Private Servers.

Proud supporter of NIWA Wikis!


Quote from: Remino52 on July 06, 2010, 06:56:00 PM
I'm playing Prime 2 right now, working for 100% Scans, so when I'm done with that, I'll work in Logbook stuff from that game.
Best game of the Prime series in my opinion. The final boss is beyond epic and so is his music. No spoilers though, you just need a lot of backtracking for 100%, but remember when fighting bosses, to scan their light form first before they get taken over by the Ing.


Quote from: Gamefreak75 on July 06, 2010, 06:59:45 PM
Quote from: Remino52 on July 06, 2010, 06:56:00 PM
I'm playing Prime 2 right now, working for 100% Scans, so when I'm done with that, I'll work in Logbook stuff from that game.
Best game of the Prime series in my opinion. The final boss is beyond epic and so is his music. No spoilers though, you just need a lot of backtracking for 100%, but remember when fighting bosses, to scan their light form first before they get taken over by the Ing.

Don't worry. :) I've played the game tons of times, I'll get this done in no time, I beat Amorbis last night. Working on getting the Gravity Booster now.

Look for Big Red on the Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Private Servers.

Proud supporter of NIWA Wikis!


QuoteI fix stuff, and there's not much to FIX XD

Means I'm doing my job well. :P

Any way any of you can contribute is appreciated, and if you can't contribute directly - spreading the word is just as good as editing.


Metroid Wiki has it's own nice, but small, contributing community. Some of them are from ZI, some of them are just random people who found us through other means. It's really neat the small contributing community we have and they work very hard to make MW relevant.

I know many of you offer skills that we already have, but one thing I would like to see is people helping advertise MW. While we are doing pretty decent given what we have (250 unique hits a day), we know we can and should be getting much more, especially with Other M around the corner.


After seeing Wikitroid's asshattery at the Metroid Wiki, I plan on joining this wiki when I get Other M.


Excellent! A newly converted member! MW will be fortunate to have you. WiKirby would be too, but it's understood you guys staff the Kirby Wikia site. I'm grateful that you're all members of some of the independent wikis and NIWA tho.


Thanks. I just hate it when people show that kind of behavior. It shows they're arrogant and foolhardy, but I really never liked the Wikitroid staff to begin with. Is WiKirby and Kirby Wikia the only two wikias that coexist? I also heard that my friend at Arwingpedia coexist with the Lylat Wiki.


Quote from: Gamefreak75 on July 26, 2010, 05:23:08 PM
Thanks. I just hate it when people show that kind of behavior. It shows they're arrogant and foolhardy, but I really never liked the Wikitroid staff to begin with. Is WiKirby and Kirby Wikia the only two wikias that coexist? I also heard that my friend at Arwingpedia coexist with the Lylat Wiki.

Yea.... we're pretty good.


Quote from: Gamefreak75 on July 26, 2010, 05:23:08 PM
Thanks. I just hate it when people show that kind of behavior. It shows they're arrogant and foolhardy, but I really never liked the Wikitroid staff to begin with. Is WiKirby and Kirby Wikia the only two wikias that coexist? I also heard that my friend at Arwingpedia coexist with the Lylat Wiki.
Well, I think they are. And that is good. Because, I know Mario Wikia hates MW, Zeldapedia hates ZW.


At least Kirby Wikia didn't make the same mistake. I think KRR already hates us because of some stupid n00b user who stole content from them and put it on the Kirby Wikia. :(


Quote from: Gamefreak75 on July 26, 2010, 06:58:06 PM
At least Kirby Wikia didn't make the same mistake. I think KRR already hates us because of some stupid n00b user who stole content from them and put it on the Kirby Wikia. :(

Then why blame us? O_O

Look for Big Red on the Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst Private Servers.

Proud supporter of NIWA Wikis!


I think they are worried we'll do the same thing. Which we haven't and will not.


Quote from: Axiomist on July 27, 2010, 03:30:55 AM
I think they are worried we'll do the same thing. Which we haven't and will not.

Quote from: Gamefreak75 on July 26, 2010, 06:58:06 PM
At least Kirby Wikia didn't make the same mistake. I think KRR already hates us because of some stupid n00b user who stole content from them and put it on the Kirby Wikia. :(

It's called plagiarism.
