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An independent Animal Crossing wiki has launched

Started by Axiomist, August 18, 2010, 02:41:07 PM

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Animal Crossing Wiki

Jake of Animal Crossing Forums.net has informed me that his staff is ready to be a publicly released wiki! It's a new wiki, so be sure to report any issues, as you poke around. I'm certain they would appreciate any articles, images, reviews of the site, links to resources from Nintendo, templates, or more importantly advertising. It's a good wiki! It don't chew up the furniture!

Note: I haven't heard from Yoshario about a united AC wiki, so I have no idea where that stands.


Looks good. We need to help them

Also, Yoshario has disappeared, so yeah...


Hello. I'm the admin of Animal Crossing Forums and now Animal Crossing Wiki. We look forward to working with the NIWA community to build our wiki, and we appreciate any help from those familiar with the series. We've got several site members who are eager to participate as well, and our logos are a result of a contest that many participated in. We have a goal of 200 articles, which is helping to push our members to contribute.

If there's anything you notice that we're doing incorrectly or if you have any general suggestions, please let me know right away. :)


Thanks for coming here! I will suggest to the other staff the possibility of adding you as affiliates while you reach the 200 articles, so you can get more visits :)


I'll await your proposal to cast my approving vote for AC wiki and Lylat Wiki as affiliates of our garden during their germinating stage.


Just as a quick status update, we're up to 56 articles as of the time of this post. We've been spreading word across multiple Animal Crossing sites in addition to our own, and we expect to see a rush of visitors when the new game comes out next year. I'd also like to say thanks to any NIWA members who are participating over at the wiki; we couldn't be more thrilled!

I'd also like to say that we're looking for some experienced wiki admins to help us out. We've set up a special wiki staff forum on our site for internal discussions, so if you're interested in helping out just register and then send us a message. (You don't actually need to participate on the forums, but registering is the only way to gain access to the private wiki forum.)

Thanks again everyone! :)


Thanks for accepting us as an affiliate NIWA! We are trying to get lots of articles in of good quality and would appreciate all the help we could get.


I'm also helping out on the wiki. I made the snowman,museum,and pockets page already. Although it looks like I worked almost nothing on the museum article,I actually typed WAY MORE than that,but somehow most of the stuff deleted itself and now it only explains the bug exibhit..but I really want this wiki to join NIWA! I really want an AC wiki in NIWA!

Forgot my password, and I may not ever recover it. But you never know! JUST CLICK!


I would love to look at your wiki, but it's down right now I guess.

How is your guys' server?

Bureaucrat of


I just discovered the downtime today. It seems to be a 500 error. I'm checking the server logs and will correct the problem as soon as possible. :)

(The server is usually very reliable. This seems to be a software issue more than anything else. The main forum is working perfectly.)


Ok, well that's good. I hope to see it soon! Be sure to let us know when you get everything sorted out, or if you think you need help.

Bureaucrat of


Actually, I think we could use some help since I'm not very familiar with these MediaWiki errors. Below are the errors reported in the error_log that appear to be responsible for the 500 error on the main site. I've looked at both files referenced by the log, but even removing the header() functions does not stop the error. (Not that altering core files like that is ever a good idea. :P)

Any ideas?  :)
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 16
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/RawPage.php on line 157
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/RawPage.php on line 160
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/RawPage.php on line 157
[19-Sep-2010 10:20:19] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/index.php:40) in /home/karrottc/nintendoverse/wiki/includes/RawPage.php on line 160


Are you able to submit tickets? WiKirby was down most of today too :(


At first I thought it was my computer because it's always acting laggy and bad. Well, I really don't understand these things. But I hope it's fixed soon! I want to keep adding more articles for a joining proposal to NIWA! I added the Wisp and DLC pages yesterday. We need more people to join once the server is fixed man! :eekdance:

Forgot my password, and I may not ever recover it. But you never know! JUST CLICK!


Well whatever's causing the error seems to be on line 40 of index.php, but you're right, editing core files is usually a recipe for causing more problems than solving them. All I can think is that index.php has been somehow corrupted or modified - did you notice the last modified date before you made changes?

Can you see what's currently on line 40 of index.php, and possibly paste the contents here? What version of MediaWiki are you running? If it's 1.16, then the filesize should be 4,329 bytes and the contents should be exactly as follows:


 * This is the main web entry point for MediaWiki.
 * If you are reading this in your web browser, your server is probably
 * not configured correctly to run PHP applications!
 * See the README, INSTALL, and UPGRADE files for basic setup instructions
 * and pointers to the online documentation.
 * http://www.mediawiki.org/
 * ----------
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker,
 * Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason,
 * Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor,
 * Aaron Schulz and others.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * @file

# Initialise common code
$preIP dirname__FILE__ );
"$preIP/includes/WebStart.php" );

# Initialize MediaWiki base class
require_once( "$preIP/includes/Wiki.php" );
$mediaWiki = new MediaWiki();

wfProfileIn'main-misc-setup' );
OutputPage::setEncodings(); # Not really used yet

$maxLag $wgRequest->getVal'maxlag' );
if( !
is_null$maxLag ) && !$mediaWiki->checkMaxLag$maxLag ) ) {

# Query string fields
$action $wgRequest->getVal'action''view' );
$title $wgRequest->getVal'title' );

# Set title from request parameters
$wgTitle $mediaWiki->checkInitialQueries$title$action );
$wgTitle === null ) {
$wgTitle );

wfProfileOut'main-misc-setup' );

# Send Ajax requests to the Ajax dispatcher.
if( $wgUseAjax && $action == 'ajax' ) {
$IP '/includes/AjaxDispatcher.php' );
$dispatcher = new AjaxDispatcher();

$wgUseFileCache && isset( $wgTitle ) ) {
wfProfileIn'main-try-filecache' );
// Raw pages should handle cache control on their own,
    // even when using file cache. This reduces hits from clients.
if( $action != 'raw' && HTMLFileCache::useFileCache() ) {
/* Try low-level file cache hit */
$cache = new HTMLFileCache$wgTitle$action );
$cache->isFileCacheGood/* Assume up to date */ ) ) {
/* Check incoming headers to see if client has this cached */
if( !$wgOut->checkLastModified$cache->fileCacheTime() ) ) {
# Do any stats increment/watchlist stuff
$wgArticle MediaWiki::articleFromTitle$wgTitle );
# Tell $wgOut that output is taken care of
wfProfileOut'main-try-filecache' );
wfProfileOut'main-try-filecache' );

# Setting global variables in mediaWiki
$mediaWiki->setVal'action'$action );
$mediaWiki->setVal'CommandLineMode'$wgCommandLineMode );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisabledActions'$wgDisabledActions );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisableHardRedirects'$wgDisableHardRedirects );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisableInternalSearch'$wgDisableInternalSearch );
$mediaWiki->setVal'EnableCreativeCommonsRdf'$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal'EnableDublinCoreRdf'$wgEnableDublinCoreRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal'JobRunRate'$wgJobRunRate );
$mediaWiki->setVal'Server'$wgServer );
$mediaWiki->setVal'SquidMaxage'$wgSquidMaxage );
$mediaWiki->setVal'UseExternalEditor'$wgUseExternalEditor );
$mediaWiki->setVal'UsePathInfo'$wgUsePathInfo );

$mediaWiki->performRequestForTitle$wgTitle$wgArticle$wgOut$wgUser$wgRequest );
$mediaWiki->finalCleanup$wgDeferredUpdateList$wgOut );

# Not sure when $wgPostCommitUpdateList gets set, so I keep this separate from finalCleanup
$mediaWiki->doUpdates$wgPostCommitUpdateList );


Try replacing the contents of index.php with that, and see if that changes or gets rid of the error. Let me know  :)


EDIT: Important announcement for Animal Crossing Wiki staff members. Please read!

To the best of my knowledge we're running 1.15. This is the code in our index.php file:


 * This is the main web entry point for MediaWiki.
 * If you are reading this in your web browser, your server is probably
 * not configured correctly to run PHP applications!
 * See the README, INSTALL, and UPGRADE files for basic setup instructions
 * and pointers to the online documentation.
 * http://www.mediawiki.org/
 * ----------
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker,
 * Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason,
 * Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor,
 * Aaron Schulz and others.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
 * @file
# Initialise common code
$preIP dirname__FILE__ );
"$preIP/includes/WebStart.php" );

# Initialize MediaWiki base class
require_once( "$preIP/includes/Wiki.php" );
$mediaWiki = new MediaWiki();

wfProfileIn'main-misc-setup' );
OutputPage::setEncodings(); # Not really used yet

$maxLag $wgRequest->getVal'maxlag' );
if( !
is_null$maxLag ) && !$mediaWiki->checkMaxLag$maxLag ) ) {

# Query string fields
$action $wgRequest->getVal'action''view' );
$title $wgRequest->getVal'title' );

$wgTitle $mediaWiki->checkInitialQueries$title$action );
$wgTitle === NULL ) {
unset( $wgTitle );

wfProfileOut'main-misc-setup' );

# Send Ajax requests to the Ajax dispatcher.
if( $wgUseAjax && $action == 'ajax' ) {
require_once( $IP '/includes/AjaxDispatcher.php' );
$dispatcher = new AjaxDispatcher();

$wgUseFileCache && isset( $wgTitle ) ) {
wfProfileIn'main-try-filecache' );
// Raw pages should handle cache control on their own,
// even when using file cache. This reduces hits from clients.
if( $action != 'raw' && HTMLFileCache::useFileCache() ) {
/* Try low-level file cache hit */
$cache = new HTMLFileCache$wgTitle$action );
if( $cache->isFileCacheGood/* Assume up to date */ ) ) {
/* Check incoming headers to see if client has this cached */
if( !$wgOut->checkLastModified$cache->fileCacheTime() ) ) {
# Do any stats increment/watchlist stuff
$wgArticle MediaWiki::articleFromTitle$wgTitle );
# Tell $wgOut that output is taken care of
wfProfileOut'main-try-filecache' );
wfProfileOut'main-try-filecache' );

# Setting global variables in mediaWiki
$mediaWiki->setVal'action'$action );
$mediaWiki->setVal'CommandLineMode'$wgCommandLineMode );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisabledActions'$wgDisabledActions );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisableHardRedirects'$wgDisableHardRedirects );
$mediaWiki->setVal'DisableInternalSearch'$wgDisableInternalSearch );
$mediaWiki->setVal'EnableCreativeCommonsRdf'$wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal'EnableDublinCoreRdf'$wgEnableDublinCoreRdf );
$mediaWiki->setVal'JobRunRate'$wgJobRunRate );
$mediaWiki->setVal'Server'$wgServer );
$mediaWiki->setVal'SquidMaxage'$wgSquidMaxage );
$mediaWiki->setVal'UseExternalEditor'$wgUseExternalEditor );
$mediaWiki->setVal'UsePathInfo'$wgUsePathInfo );

$mediaWiki->initialize$wgTitle$wgArticle$wgOut$wgUser$wgRequest );
$mediaWiki->finalCleanup$wgDeferredUpdateList$wgOut );

# Not sure when $wgPostCommitUpdateList gets set, so I keep this separate from finalCleanup
$mediaWiki->doUpdates$wgPostCommitUpdateList );


Is it possible to just install the newest 1.16 release and use the existing database?


A bit of an update:

Much like what happened to WiKirby recently, our database seems to have been completely erased. Additionally, the backup database was erased as well. This means we have to start again from scratch. This isn't entirely a bad thing, because it allows us to start fresh and avoid making some of the mistakes we made earlier.

We've got the new wiki set up on a new domain, with new forums to accompany it. Our wiki will no longer be associated with animalcrossingforums.net. Additionally, an advanced backup system (that we should have had to begin with) is in place. Backups are taken once per day at 1am EST. They are stored securely locally to avoid another complete DB erase.

We're using Google's Caches to restore our articles as best we can. It turns out, they actually appear to have archived every article! I couldn't be more pleased, and now all that remains is 'translating' the articles back into wiki-code. (Since the page source/edit links do not function while browsing the cache.) Anyone interested in helping out, please send me a PM. All you would need to do is copy the page content from the archives and apply appropriate wiki-code when necessary.

We're keeping the domain private until Monday. A bare wiki is embarrassing, after all. :P Thanks again everyone in the NIWA community! I'm putting my full attention into the wiki, and I can't wait to see how it will grow over the coming weeks. :)


man am I glad to hear that! Also some poking around, I see WetPaint had an issue too, as did Wars Wiki. All in the same time frame, and potentially similar glitches.


You had a code posting storm and I wasn't invited  :P

We're using 1.16 now, the one you see LW using. We're gonna need all the help we can get to restore ACW and we hope you can help!  :)


Well I wouldn't want to start from scratch! I made 5 articles! But what "new domain" are you talking about?

Forgot my password, and I may not ever recover it. But you never know! JUST CLICK!