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"Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer"

Started by HavocReaper48, November 27, 2010, 05:17:44 PM

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Manga Maniac

Quite obviously 42 litres.

Why isn't anyone Doing the Luigi? :eekdance:


Because no.

Who is the man who arranges the blocks?


It's not the guy who sings the history of the Soviet Union to the Tetris theme. I think Reagan arranged blocks though.

When is Ronald Reagan coming back?


Never, I'll make sure of that.

When I take over the world will you join peacefully, or will you have to go to Room 101?


Depends on the situation.

When I take over the world, will you ally with me or will you be sent to Siberia?


WOW. Given the heavy popularity of this thread, I've stickied it.

I would probably head off to Siberia and plot your downfall.

Where's the beef?
Server bureaucrat of Zelda Wiki. I fix what you break.

Also a tech administrator for Poniverse.



Occasionally, usually on Tuesday nights.

When this thread reaches the 42nd page filled, will it finally have the answer to life, the universe, and EVERYTHING?!


That's for me to know and you to find out, but I don't want you to find out, so it's just for me to know.

Are you really who you think you are?


I am Dr. Jonas Salk, inventor of the polio vaccine. Your life is mine!

How much are you willing to pay me to spare your life, o pitiful one?


>9000 rupees.

Is Anyway You Want it the way you need it?


Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


Indeed. *sips some darjeeling tea*

What is Wario's waist size?


Around thirty or so metres.

Have we found your weakness?


I have no weakness!

Hasn't history proven that Marx's vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?


Who cares *throws a small machine*

What if M.C. Esher built your house?
I blame the economy.



Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.



Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.