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Edit the post above you

Started by TurtwigA, December 11, 2010, 02:17:54 AM

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In this thread, you just edit the post above you. You can make it humorous if you want, and the changes can be subtle or major.

The next person edits this post, and then the next poster edits theirs, and the next poster edits theirs, etc.

EXAMPLE, Person 1 posts:
I can't believe that.

Then Person 2 would respond to the part NOT in the quotes (it would be erased), so they would put,
The chicken eats that
Eats what?

And that's how it goes.

Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


the next person edits their underpants then the next then the next...

hi everbody!
hi dr. nick.
nintendo forever!!!
do I really have to do the garbage mom?:(
omg a forum
the offspring of master and crazy hands
this is a long sig
that is why I am ending it here


Please give me internets! So much less bulkier than those eggs.
tg.wikkii.com-My Touch! Generations Wiki
chibirobo.wikkii.com My Chibi-Robo! Wiki

Help spread the word about the word smorent! Definition: [smohrent] adj. fluffy. In a sentence: that bear is very smorent.


WHAT what WHAT?! amidoingitright?