Welcome to the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance

We are a network of independent wikis working together since 2010 to bring fans quality coverage of all things Nintendo. Together with our affiliates, we collaborate and support one another in our mission.

We are driven by our focus on our fans:

  • Fan communities should be run by the fans, and not corporate entities that don't put the community first.
  • Fan communities should be run for the fans, by people who will always think about how they can continue to enhance the enjoyment of everyone in the community.
  • Fan communities should be run together with the fans, embracing a spirit of co-operation and camaraderie.

39 members

covering Nintendo

320,000+ articles

across four languages

15 affiliates

supporting our mission

Learn more about us on our about page, and check out our members and affiliates.

Stay engaged

We have a public Discord server for Nintendo and wiki fans alike, as well as social media profiles to keep up-to-date with going-ons between our members.

You can also engage with our members and affiliates through their own Discord servers and social media.