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Advance Wars

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Advance Wars
Advance Wars front.jpg
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Players: 1-4
Predecessor: Game Boy Wars 3
Successor: Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising
Release dates
N. America: September 2001[1]
Japan: November 25, 2004 (as part of Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2)
Europe: January 11, 2002
Australia: 2001
PEGI: 7 (Virtual Console)
USK: 6
ACB: G8+
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©1990-2001 Nintendo ©2001 Intelligent Systems

Advance Wars is a game for Game Boy Advance. It is the first game in the Wars series to have officially been localised into English.


The game is a tactical strategy game by Intelligent Systems (see also: Fire Emblem series) involving controlling military units across a map; and the wars of the Orange Star, Blue Moon, Green Earth and Yellow Comet armies. The game was planned to be released in Japan, however they would not receive an official release until the compilation cartridge Game Boy Wars Advance 1+2.


  1. Jump up Multiple sources claim the game was released in this region on different dates including September 11, 2001 (and an apparent action by Nintendo to state that the release date was actually on September 12, 2001 due to the highly unfortunate coincidence of a notorious real-world terrorism attack on that day) - see here. GameFAQs however states September 9, 2001.
Wars series logo
Original games Famicom Wars • Game Boy Wars • Super Famicom Wars
Advance Wars games
Battalion Wars games Battalion Wars • 2
Cancelled games 64 Wars • Knight Wars
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