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Beware of Mug: Part 1

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"Beware of Mug: Part 1"
Threediots episode
Season Episode Overall
1 5 5
Threediots Episode 5.jpg
Mug snaps.
Length 3:30
3:14 (rerun)
First positioned Bottom right
Release date July 12, 2012
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"The Great Gladiator Gig" "Beware of Mug: Part 2"
Threediots season 1
List of episodes
"Bow down to Mug! Prepare the way for the coming Mug army! A new muggy era is dawning!"

"Beware of Mug: Part 1" is the fifth episode of Threediots. It was first released on Nintendo Video on July 12, 2012. The title for this episode is a portmanteau of "Beware of dog," a warning sign indicating that a dangerous dog is within, and Mug, its main antagonist.


A devious smiley coffee cup named Mug negatorily influences Burke and plans to turn every member of humanity into his minions.


  • Don Fanelli as Burke
  • Tanisha Long as Lola
  • Connor Moore as Mug


"Burke falls under the spell of an evil happy-face mug."
In-software description,
Nintendo Video
Threediots logo

Episode 1: "Shrimp Yankers" • Episode 2: "The Dark Side of the Movie" • Episode 3: "Temple of the Forbidden Something" • Episode 4: "The Great Gladiator Gig" • Episode 5: "Beware of Mug: Part 1" • Episode 6: "Beware of Mug: Part 2"

Characters Burke • Lola • Baltasar