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File talk:NES logo.png

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Revision as of 18:33, 27 December 2010 by Reboot (talk | contribs) (Where is this logo *from*?)
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How accurate is this logo? As far as I can see:

  1. The logo on the front of the NES itself (a) has "Entertainment System" all on one line, (b) is left-justified & all red and (c) doesn't have the "racetrack" oval around the "Nintendo";
  2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl uses a logo like this - smashwiki:File:NES_logo.png - for the NES in the Chronicle and Trophy sections, all red with the "Nintendo" in the same font as "Entertainment System"
  3. While the logo on the game boxes uses the "racetrack" Nintendo logo, it has a different font for "Entertainment System".

This seems very "none of the above" - was it ever ACTUALLY used in anything approaching this form? - Reboot 18:33, 27 December 2010 (UTC)