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Killer Instinct 2

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Killer Instinct 2
Killer Instinct 2 flyer.jpg
Developer(s): Rare
Publisher(s): Midway Games, Nintendo
Platform: Fighting/Arcade
Players: 1-2
Predecessor: Killer Instinct
Successor: Killer Instinct Gold
Release dates
Japan: 1996
Europe: 1996

Killer Instinct 2 is a game for arcade cabinets, which was originally published by Nintendo. It is the sequel to Killer Instinct.

An enhanced version of this game was released for the Nintendo 64, known as Killer Instinct Gold.


The gameplay like its predecessor is a strategic fighting game, with new additions to the battle mechanics such as throws. The story involves the previous fighters from Killer Instinct being sent to the past, in which they must battle Demon Lord Gargos with various new characters.
