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Raven Blade

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Raven Blade
Developer(s): Retro Studios
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo GameCube
Category: RPG
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A

Raven Blade was a role-playing title from Retro Studios that was in development for the Nintendo GameCube, and one of the first four games put into development when the studio was initially founded. Development on the game had begun in 1999, simply under the name "RPG".[1] While a trailer for the game was shown at E3 2001, the developers faced many issues in creating the game, and in July 2001 it was officially announced that Raven Blade had been cancelled so that the studio could focus on Metroid Prime.[2]

External links


  1. A Retrospective: The Story of Retro Studios. N-Sider (December 17, 2004). Retrieved January 6, 2017.
  2. Raven Blade Killed, Retro Lays off 26. IGN (July 19, 2001). Retrieved January 6, 2017.