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Short Order/Eggsplode!

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Short Order/Eggsplode!
Short Order Eggsplode box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Category: Action
Release dates
N. America: December 1989

Short Order/Eggsplode! is a Nintendo Entertainment System game and a compilation of two games known as Short Order and Eggsplode! (also known as Egg-Splode!). It requires the NES Power Pad and was only released in North America.


Short Order is a burger making game where the player has to use the Power Pad to stand on specific spots to add ingredients. This feeds various animal characters at the restaurant, and gameplay gets harder as the player has to memorise an increasing number of combinations.

Eggsplode is a game featuring a fox and chickens, where a fox tries to plant bombs underneath the chickens, and the player must stand on those spots to defuse them. If the player stands on a spot with a normal egg however, it will crack.[1]
