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Poppo Hunter

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Poppo Hunter
Poppo Hunter.jpg
Developer(s): Nintendo Game Seminar (Team A)
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Category: Shooter
Release dates
Japan: June 19, 2014 (in Nintendo Game Seminar 2013: Jukousei Sakuhin)

Poppo Hunter is a 2013 Nintendo Game Seminar developed by Team A. It is a shooting game featuring pigeons and small birds, that makes use of Wii Remotes and the Wii U GamePad. It is released on the Japanese Wii U Nintendo eShop in a compilation title known as Nintendo Game Seminar 2013: Jukousei Sakuhin with the other 2013 Nintendo Game Seminar games.

External links

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1990 – 1992
(Nintendo & Dentsu Game Seminar)
Bakobako • Moving Ball • Sutte Hakkun
2005 Nekosogi Tornado • Kurukeshi! • bioum • Chi to Fu no Oishii Ehon
2006 Attoiumani? Ekakiuta • KuruKuru Tonzuran • Uujai no Tegami Chou • Hana Otoko to Hana Onna
2007 Nandemo Mokokoyasan • Wakeari Heya no Tsuzuki • Kiki Master • Watashi no Otocha Bako
2008 Fuufuu Kirarin • Re: Koetist • Ugougo Trinity • Kaosapiens
2009 Doumo, DS Desu • Draw Draw Penner • Ototo • Tentsunagi
2010 Pull Pull Pullpy • Planetaria • FloWooooT • The Tentai Show
2014 Michiko Jump! • Arucrash • Jikansa Tansa • Doki Doki Tegami Relay