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Super NES Mouse

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Super NES Mouse
Release year: 1992
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Compatible: SNES
Model no.: NA: SNS-016
EU: SNSP-016
JP: SHVC-016

The Super NES Mouse is a computer mouse accessory for the SNES. For most releases, the accessory was bundled with Mario Paint

Features and functionality

The Super NES Mouse is a mechanical mouse that features two buttons on the front. On the bottom of the mouse is a panel that can be slid off to open the trackball.

The mouse was also bundled with a solid plastic mouse pad (SNS-017).

Compatible games published by Nintendo

Note: Snoopy Concert (1995) is also an outlier and supports the Super NES Mouse; it is a rare example of a game which was developed by Nintendo but not published by them.

External links

SNES logo.png