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Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede & Millipede

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Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede & Millipede
Arcade Classic 2 box.png
Developer(s): Accolade, The Code Monkeys
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy
Category: Shoot-em-up
Predecessor: Arcade Classic No. 1: Asteroids & Missile Command
Successor: Arcade Classic No. 3: Galaga & Galaxian
Release dates
N. America: August 1995
Europe: August 1995
Australia: 1995
©1983, 1995 Atari

Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede & Millipede is a Game Boy game in the Arcade Classic series. It is a compilation of Centipede and Millipede, published by Nintendo.

Other releases

In addition to Centipede, a Millipede mode exists in the earlier 1992 Game Boy Centipede game, but it was left in the code unused. It can be accessed with an external device such as a Game Genie or with hacking.[1]
