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"Bring Your Child to Work Day" Dinosaur Office episode
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Release date
June 8, 2012
"Bring Your Child to Work Day" is the fourth episode of Season 2 of Dinosaur Office and the tenth of the series overall.
It's Bring Your Child to Work Day, and Richard needs to use the bathroom; however, his grouchy son, Carl, repeatedly treats Craig immaturely by going on a rampage in his workspace. Meanwhile, Todd is trying to incubate an egg that Duncan is contained inside, while Sheila and Gretchen are stapling some notes.
In the beginning, Richard convinces Craig that the former has to use the bathroom, so he tasks the latter to watch his son, Carl, which he is against. Richard reveals that Carl set off fireworks in the master bedroom upon leaving him alone and heads to the bathroom. Carl asks Craig where his children are, but the latter says that he not only lacks any, but is also waiting for Mrs. Wright, only to be insulted by the former. Todd, holding an egg that Duncan is contained inside, explains to him that he'll be capable of drinking water like him upon hatching it. As Terry approaches Todd, the boss asks if the brontosaurus will eat the egg, but the green sauropod responds that he will hatch the egg, leading the boss agreeing as he approaches Sheila and her daughter, Gretchen, who are stapling some notes. During that job, Gretchen convinced Sheila that she has run out of staples, but the latter responds that DinoSoft Limited has many as the two want, much to the former's joy. Terry asks Sheila about Gretchen, Duncan, and Carl, since they are tasty and quite adorable at that age, which Sheila responds that being a single mother is rewarding, despite being hard. Meanwhile, Carl is on a rampage, banging and crashing around Craig's work area. After damaging its property (i.e.: the computer), he beats Craig up. However, Terry eats Carl up. When Richard returns, he finds Craig's work area to be messy, but Terry responds that he loves children.
"Kids can be such a mouthful."