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Card Party

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Card Party
Card Party box.jpg
Cover artwork of Card Party
Developer(s): Nd Cube
Publisher(s): MediaKite
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Category: Party
Players: 1-4
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
Japan: October 25, 2002
© 2002 Nd Cube/MediaKite

Card Party is a party game released for the Game Boy Advance in October 2002. The game was developed by Nintendo subsidiary Nd Cube, but published by MediaKite.


Card Party features twelve different types of card games. These include the following games:

  • Concentration (しんけいすいじゃく)
  • Old maid (ババぬき, babanuki)
  • Count (ダウト)
  • Cheat (ダウト)
  • Dobon (ドボン)
  • Page one (ページワン)
  • Daifugō (大富豪)
  • Seven bridge (セブンブリッジ)
  • Sevens (7ならべ)
  • "29"
  • "51"
  • Blackjack (ブラックジャック)
  • Poker (ポーカー).[1]

The game features support for four players using a Game Boy Advance Game Link Cable.

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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Game Boy Advance Game Card
Supported features: Game Link Cable
Input / compatible controllers: Game Boy Advance
