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Clubhouse Games Express: Strategy Pack
ちょっとアソビ大全 おなじみテーブル Chotto Asobi Taizen: Onajimi Table
 The logo of Clubhouse Games Express: Strategy Pack.
N. America:
September 21, 2009
February 25, 2009
November 20, 2009
November 20, 2009
Clubhouse Games Express: Strategy Pack (A Little Bit of... All Time Classics: Strategy Pack in the PAL region) is a standalone release of five strategy-based games from Clubhouse Games, released as DSiWare in 2009.
Nintendo website
Choose one of five strategy-based games and prove your skills against the system or a group of your friends!
Prepare yourself for a lesson in tactics as you play through five strategy-based games in this Nintendo DSiWare version of the popular Clubhouse Games. Take on an opponent in the classic Backgammon, invade an enemy base in Field Tactics, sandwich your opponent's pieces to capture them in Turncoat, create strings of five in a row in Connect Five, and guess where to attack your opponent's pieces in Grid Attack. Play by yourself or use DS Download Play to host as many as seven friends.
Prepare yourself for a lesson in tactics as you play through five strategy-based games in this Nintendo DSiWare version of the popular Clubhouse Games. Take on an opponent in the classic Backgammon, invade an enemy base in Field Tactics, sandwich your opponent's pieces to capture them in Turncoat, create strings of five in a row in Connect Five, and guess where to attack your opponent's pieces in Grid Attack. Play by yourself or use DS Download Play to host as many as seven friends.
This game includes five of the more strategy-oriented games from Clubhouse Games: Backgammon, Turncoat, Field Tactics, Connect Five, and Grid Attack. While Turncoat (instead called Reversi) and Connect Five are still in the Japanese version, the other three games are different: hasami shogi, shogi, and Koi-Koi. These games can be played either singularly or with multiplayer over Download Play.
Technical details
Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size:
37 blocks
Supported features:
Download Play (1-8 players)
Input / compatible controllers:
Nintendo DSi
External links