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Electroplankton Trapy
エレクトロプランクトン トレーピー Electroplankton: Traypi
 The logo of Electroplankton Trapy.
N. America:
November 9, 2009
July 11, 2009
January 22, 2010
January 22, 2010
Electroplankton Trapy is a music game and a standalone release of the "Tracy" mode from Electroplankton, released as DSiWare in 2009 and 2010. Trapy is the first instrument in the DSiWare series.
Nintendo website
Trace lines through the water. The plankton swim along the lines to create mysterious music.
Trapy plankton make sounds as they swim over graceful lines made up of linked triangles. The creatures follow the lines you trace along the water. There are six types of Trapy in all, each with a unique color and sound. All Trapy plankton produce different tones depending on the direction they swim. They produce the lowest-pitched sounds when they swim to the right and produce higher-pitched sounds as their path veers to the left.
A strange electronic sea awaits you. In this sea, you'll encounter unique species of tiny Electroplankton that respond to your touch and voice to create unforgettable sounds and melodies. Enjoy getting to know these fascinating plankton as you relax to their sights and sounds!
Trapy plankton make sounds as they swim over graceful lines made up of linked triangles. The creatures follow the lines you trace along the water. There are six types of Trapy in all, each with a unique color and sound. All Trapy plankton produce different tones depending on the direction they swim. They produce the lowest-pitched sounds when they swim to the right and produce higher-pitched sounds as their path veers to the left.
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Technical details
Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size:
23 blocks
Input / compatible controllers:
Nintendo DSi