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Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day

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Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day
見る力を実践で鍛える DS眼力トレーニング
Flash Focus box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo SPD,
Namco Bandai
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release dates
N. America: October 15, 2007
Japan: May 31, 2007
Europe: November 23, 2007
Australia: January 17, 2008
©2007 NBGL, Nintendo

Flash Focus: Vision Training in Minutes a Day (Sight Training: Enjoy Exercising and Relaxing Your Eyes in Europe and Australia) is a Nintendo DS game. It was released under the Touch! Generations brand. The game in concept is similar to the Brain Age series, but is focused on training the player's sight instead.

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