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List of videos first released in 2014 on Nintendo Video

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This article is a list of videos that were first released in 2014 on Nintendo Video.


Title Series/Company(s) Release Length First positioned
Pikmin Safari Episode 2* January 2, 2014 02:21 Bottom left
In the next episode of Pikmin Safari, we're plodding prudently through the winter wonderland that is the Distant Tundra while introducing you to some of its more interesting inhabitants.
Kite* Shaun the Sheep October 24, 2014 2:08 Top left
It's a windy day when Shaun tries to fly his new kite -- but the wind turns out to be the least of his troubles!
Turbo FAST Funapalooza* November 8, 2014 2:07 Bottom left
The Turbo FAST team goes on a video game marathon!
Watch the full episode now on Netflix!


Pikmin Safari Episode 2

  • August 4, 2014

See also