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UPIXO In Action: Mission in Snowdriftland

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UPIXO In Action: Mission in Snowdriftland
Mission in Snowdriftland.png
Developer(s): Extra Toxic
Publisher(s): Nintendo, tons of bits
Platform: Adobe Flash
Category: Platformer
Players: 1
Predecessor: None
Successor: None
Release dates
Worldwide: December 1, 2006
December 1, 2010 (re-release)
December 1, 2021 (remake)
November 29, 2024 (Nintendo Switch)
©2000-2006 Nintendo and Extra Toxic

UPIXO In Action: Mission in Snowdriftland (or simply Mission in Snowdriftland) is a Flash-based platformer game created by a German studio Extra Toxic in a collaboration with Nintendo. It is one of the Nintendo web browser games.


A platform game that doubleserves as advent calendar/Christmas promotion by Extra Toxic and published by Nintendo. Chubby Snow, the snowman, is tasked with locating Snowdriftland to restore game files (pictures of various Nintendo games) from the Human World stolen by the evil penguin El Pix. Each day of December 206, a new level was available up to December 24. The game while taken down twice after its 2006 and 2010 releases, was available on Extra Toxic's official website[1] until it was announced in a video interview that a remake of the game will be released in late 2021 for PC. A Nintendo Switch port later followed and released on November 29, 2024.


External links