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Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha Kanshuu: Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS

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Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha Kanshuu: Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS
日本経済新聞社監修 知らないままでは損をする「モノやお金のしくみ」DS
Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS JP box.png
Developer(s): Unknown
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Category: Education (financial management/budgeting)
Players: Single-player
Predecessor: Ganbaru Watashi no Osaifu Ouendan
Successor: Unknown
Release dates
Japan: August 27, 2009
©2009 Nintendo/Nikkei

Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha Kanshuu: Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS, shortened to Shiranai Mamade wa Son o Suru Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS and simply Mono ya Okane no Shikumi DS is financial management software for Nintendo DS, released only in Japan.

It can be considered part of a finance series of Nintendo video games, of which the Ganbaru Watashi series is also a part of; but more strictly, in relation to the economy, Nintendo have been publishing financial software related to the stock market, since the Famicom Network System. This game was released after the introduction of the Ganbaru Watashi series.

This software was released in supervision with the The Nikkei company, now known as The Nikkei.

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