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Mystic Quest

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Mystic Quest
聖剣伝説 〜ファイナルファンタジー外伝〜
Mystic Quest box.jpg
Developer(s): Square Soft
Publisher(s): Square Soft (Japan, North America), SunSoft (reprint), Nintendo (Europe)
Release dates
N. America: November 1991, 1998 (reprint)
Japan: June 28, 1991
Europe: 1993
©1991 Square Soft

Not to be confused with Mystic Quest Legend (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)

Mystic Quest, also known as Final Fantasy Adventure and Seiken Densetsu: ~Final Fantasy Gaiden~ is a spin-off Final Fantasy series action-role playing game for the Game Boy, and the first Mana series game. In Europe, it was published by Nintendo.[1]

It features the Hero, who is imprisoned by the Dark Lord. After escaping his imprisonment, soon the Dark Lord attempts to control the Mana Tree; a source of life energy.


  1. Bar code prefix 045496
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