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Nintendo Labo: VR Kit

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Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit
Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit
Nintendo Labo VR Kit.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch (for software)
Predecessor: Nintendo Labo Vehicle Kit
Release dates
Worldwide: April 12, 2019

The Nintendo Labo: VR Kit, known in full as Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit is the fourth Toy-Con set for the Nintendo Labo line of cardboard toys and supported software.

It was released in two main versions; a cheaper version including only the Starter Set (including Toy-Con VR Goggles) and Blaster, as well as a more expensive version including the full set.

Expansion sets (Expansion Set 1: Camera + Elephant, and Expansion Set 2: Bird and Wind pedal) for crafting the missing Toy-Con are also available.

Brief overview

Through cardboard craft, this kit allows users to create six projects, which are as follows:

Creation Description
Toy-Con VR Goggles The main Toy-Con project, which can be inserted into the Nintendo Switch.
Toy-Con Wind Pedal A foot pedal. Used for a game where the player is a frog and has to jump on balls. Also used with the Toy-Con Bird for a racing game.
Toy-Con Blaster A long gun used in a shooter game and hippos game.
Toy-Con Camera A camera used to take pictures of marine characters and a character called Fluffball.
Toy-Con Elephant Shaped like an elephant's face and trunk. It can be used for painting and puzzle solving.
Toy-Con Bird Shaped like a swan. Used for a game about collecting birds and hatching them. Also used with the Wind Pedal for a racing game.

Included in the kit is a game case/card for Nintendo Switch known as the Nintendo Labo VR Kit software, with (according to the US official website[1]) 32 sheets of cardboard, lenses for the VR Goggles, "reflective stickers", "sponge stickers", red stickers, a gray and yellow "grommet washer set" and rubber bands.

A feature known as the VR Plaza, allows for the player to create their own software or experiences and play over 60 existing ones created by the developers.

The Toy-Con VR Goggles are compatible with Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Within the software, a reference to the Virtual Boy, Nintendo's previous Virtual Reality hardware is included in a video about the Virtual Boy game Mario's Tennis.

External links


Nintendo Switch logo.png