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Tottoko Hamtaro Nazonazo Q: Kumonoue no? Shiro

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Tottoko Hamtaro: Nazonazo Q Kumonoue no? Shiro
とっとこハム太郎 ナゾナゾQ 雲の上の?城
Hamtaro Nazo DS.png
Developer(s): AlphaDream
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Category: Quiz
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Successor: Non-Nintendo published: Hi! Hamtaro: Little Hamsters Big Adventures - Ham-Ham Challenge
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: December 1, 2005
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)
©2005 Nintendo, Shogakukan, SMDE, TV Tokyo, (??)

Tottoko Hamtaro Nazonazo Q: Kumonoue no? Shiro is a Nintendo DS licensed Hamtaro series game.


The game is a quiz game featuring 450 riddles by Nintendo website visitors. It stars Princess Hatena (princess question) who is about to be queen but is stopped by the Dark Hams and kidnapped by the Riddle Q team.[1]


Hamtaro series logo