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Tsukutte Utau: Saru Band

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Tsukutte Utau: Saru Band
つくってうたう さるバンド
Developer(s): muu muu
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Music
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
Japan: April 28, 2010

Tsukutte Utau: Saru Band is a music game released for the DSiWare service in April 2010, exclusively in Japan.


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Gameplay involves listening to a monkey band lead by Prince Saruno of the Sarudamon Kingdom. The player can give the monkeys a theme/motif for the song (such as romantic), and lyrics; and they will play the song. The lyrics are synthesized similar to Tomodachi Collection and Tomodachi Life. In the ROM are 23 base songs, but 403 total songs (of which the 380 others are variations of the base songs, such as in a different pitch or tone).[1] The songs can be shared wirelessly.

Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 116 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi


External links
