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You, Me, and the Cubes

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You, Me, and the Cubes
Developer(s): fyto
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Release dates
N. America: September 21, 2009
Japan: March 26, 2009
Europe: September 25, 2009
Australia: September 25, 2009
©2009 Nintendo, ©2009 fyto

You, Me, and the Cubes is a WiiWare game. The game is no longer available due to closure of the Wii Shop Channel.


A Nintendo game by Kenji Eno, who has gained a reputation for designing a number of past 'unusual' games.

In this game, the player has to use the Wii Remote to flick creatures known as Fallos on to cubes. Fallos however can fall off the cube if the cube is at an unstable angle/tilts too far. Fallos can also be attacked by enemies.

Throwing Fallos continues until enough occupy the cubes, and the player advances to the next stage.[1]


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