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Practise English!: Speak English Every Day

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Practise English!: Speak English Every Day
英語が苦手な大人のDSトレーニング もっとえいご漬け
Practise English EU box.png
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Predecessor: English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills!
Successor: New English Training: Learn With Tempo
Release dates
Japan: March 29, 2007
Europe: October 26, 2007
©2007 Nintendo/Plato

Practise English!: Speak English Every Day is a Nintendo DS game released in generally non-English speaking territories for learning the English language, in daily written and spoken activities. It is the successor to English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills!.


The game includes quizzes on popular English culture, tongue twisters and accents with stamps as rewards for practising every day.[1]


Template:English Training series

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