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Bayonetta 2
ベヨネッタ 2
 European box art of Bayonetta 2
N. America:
October 24, 2014[1]
September 20, 2014[2]
October 24, 2014[3]
October 25, 2014[4]
Bayonetta 2 is a sequel to the original Bayonetta title, released in 2014 exclusively for the Wii U. The title was originally picked up by Nintendo as PlatinumGames searched for a partner to help create the game, while Sega, as the owner of Bayonetta, oversaw development.
At release, retail copies of the game are packaged with an enhanced port of the original Bayonetta that also features additional content. In addition, both titles have been released individually on the Nintendo eShop, which gives players a discount on the other title if they purchase one of them.
Nintendo eShop
Bayonetta's back and more powerful than ever. Wield wild new weapons and execute deadly new moves–like the powerful Umbran Climax–to take out angels and demons in this breathtaking action game. You can even team up with friends in 2-player online co-op fights.
Bayonetta is a butt-kicking, havoc-wreaking witch who wields sweet wapons like pistols, whips, hammers, flamethrowers, and poison bows. But it's not just about brawn–it's also about style.
Bayonetta is deadly but sleek, with moves like Witch Time that slows down time itself, and the all-new Umbran Climax–a special magic attack that summons Infernal Demons to devastate enemies.
Bayonetta 2 also features an all-new online 2-player cooperative mode where players bet halos on their performance and work together to amplify their sass, cause destruction, and score some riches.
Technical details
External links
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