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ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat
アルカイック シールド ヒート
N. America:
October 4, 2007
©2007 Nintendo/MISTWALKER
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat (©2007 Nintendo/MISTWALKER) is a Nintendo DS game published by Nintendo.
A strategy role playing game featuring grid-based movement. The number of moves the player can make during a turn is determined by AP.
Aisya is a warrior princess. On her 17th birthday and coronation, a large fiery serpent attacked the country of Millinear, leaving Aisya as the only survivor of the attack; however her guardian Bullnequ would mysteriously ressurect from the ashes, so Aisya and Bullnequ must solve the mystery and ressurect everyone else from the ashes.[2]
The game did not sell well in Japan. An official English version was planned but never released, although there was a fan translation attempt.