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Punch-Out!! (NES)

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Punch Out NA box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo Research & Development 3
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System
Category: Boxing
Players: 1
Predecessor: Super Punch-Out!! (arcade)
Successor: Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Release dates
N. America: October 1987
Japan: November 21, 1987
Europe: 1987
Australia: March 30, 2007 (Wii Virtual Console)
S. Korea: 1989
China: 1987

Punch-Out!! is a Nintendo Entertainment System, and is actually the third game in the Punch-Out!! series, released after Punch-Out!! (arcade), and Super Punch-Out!! (arcade). It has two variations; Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! featuring Mike Tyson, and Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream. The later version was released featuring Mr. Dream instead of Mike Tyson.


As Little Mac, the player must box against a series of WVBA boxing tournaments, and aim to become the champion by defeating Mike Tyson or Mr. Dream. Gameplay features a series of strategic boxing matches, where the player must dodge the opponent's strikes and aim for an opening strike.

Punch Out series logo
Main games
Other games