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Daigassou! Band Brothers P

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Daigassou! Band Brothers P
大合奏!バンドブラザーズ P
Band Brothers P JP box.png
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: Music
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Shimobe Tool
Successor: Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Debut
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: November 14, 2013
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)

Daigassou! Band Brothers P is a Nintendo 3DS game in the Jam with the Band series. It was released following a demo/precursor to the game called Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Shimobe Tool.

It includes Yamaha Vocaloid support and downloadable content. It was followed by a downloadable variation of the game with the song-writing feature removed, called Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Debut.


Shimobe Tool

Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Shimobe Tool
大合奏!バンドブラザーズP しもべツール
Band Brothers P Shimobe Tool.png
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: Music composition
Predecessor: Photo Stand Tsuku BanBura DX Radio
Successor: Daigassou! Band Brothers P
Release dates
Japan: October 3, 2013
©2013 Nintendo

Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Shimobe Tool was downloadable software for Nintendo 3DS eShop, prior to the official release of Daigassou! Band Brothers P.


The software (requiring Internet verification) only allowed the player to compose music to send over to Daigassou! Band Brothers P until November 13, 2013 after which it is impossible to use. However existing music created by the user could be sent over even after the expiration date.


Debut version

Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Debut
大合奏!バンドブラザーズP デビュー
Band Brothers P Debut.png
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Category: Music
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: Daigassou! Band Brothers P
Successor: (None)
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: July 22, 2015
April 27, 2016 (free version)
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)

Daigassou! Band Brothers P: Debut is a downloadable Nintendo 3DS game in the Jam with the Band series. It is a variation of Daigassou! Band Brothers P with the song composing feature removed. It was formally priced for its July 2015 Japanese Nintendo eShop release, but became free on April 2016.

Jam with the Band series logo
Main series
Derivative software
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