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Dentsu Inc. (Japanese: 株式会社電通) is an international advertising, public relations and joint stock company, founded and based in Tokyo, Japan. It has worked with Nintendo on a number of occasions.

Relevance to Nintendo

  • Dentsu set up a collaboration between Nintendo and Nagatanien for their Mario Curry, releasing Kaettekita Mario Bros. for the Famicom Disk System in 1988.[1]
  • Circa 1991, Nintendo's Hiroshi Ikeda founded Mario Co., Ltd.; a joint venture between Nintendo and Dentsu (51% owned by Nintendo and 49% owned by Dentsu)[2]
  • During the 1990s, the Nintendo & Dentsu Game Seminar was running. Later the Dentsu name was dropped and it became the Nintendo Game Seminar.
  • According to the back of the box art, Snoopy Concert was produced by Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. and Dentsu Inc. Nintendo developed and own a 1995 copyright to the game but did not publish it.


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