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Eco Shooter: Plant 530

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Eco Shooter: Plant 530
Eco Shooter.png
WiiWare promotional image, including title screen
Developer(s): Intelligent Systems
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: WiiWare (Wii)
Category: Shooting
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: December 21, 2009
Japan: November 24, 2009
Europe: January 29, 2010

Eco Shooter: Plant 530 is a discontinued light-gun inspired shooting game for WiiWare. The game is no longer available, due to the end of service of the Wii Shop Channel.


The game revolves around Mack and an enemy alien race known as the Cannoids, who want to destroy the planet. Mack is a recycling expert, tasked with firing cans into energy and absorbing the energy for his weapon.[1]
