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Rock-n-Roll Domo

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Rock-n-Roll Domo
Rock-n-Roll Domo.png
The logo of Rock-n-Roll Domo.
Developer(s): Suzak
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Simulation
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: October 19, 2009

Rock-n-Roll Domo is a music-based game starring Domo, and a standalone version of one of the minigames included in Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi. The game was released exclusively for the DSiWare service in North America, in October 2009.

Rock-n-Roll Domo could not originally be transferred to a Nintendo 3DS.


In Rock-n-Roll Domo, you'll control Domo as he takes the stage in search of fortune and fame. Hit the right notes in rhythm (using the touch screen, if desired) to rock the house. If your timing needs work, use the mixer to practice songs. Complete five different songs at a series of increasingly larger venues to help Domo become a superstar.


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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 30 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi
Domo logo.png
Retail games Domo-kun no Fushigi Terebi
e-Reader games Alpine Ski • Figure Skate • Jump • Snowboard • Speed Skate • Curling • Koro Koro Domo • Meisou Domo
DSiWare White-Water Domo • Rock-n-Roll Domo • Pro-Putt Domo • Hard-Hat Domo • Crash-Course Domo