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Tsuushin Taikyoku: Hayazashi Shogi Sandan

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Tsuushin Taikyoku: Hayazashi Shogi Sandan
通信対局 早指将棋三段
Hayazashi WiiWare.png
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Predecessor: Wii Chess
Successor: Tsuushin Taikyoku: Igo Dojo 2700-Mon
Release dates
Japan: July 23, 2008

Tsuushin Taikyoku: Hayazashi Shogi Sandan is a WiiWare Nintendo shogi (Japanese style chess) game.[1] It is now discontinued due to the closure of the Wii Shop Channel and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.


In addition to catching the opponent's king; the player could battle online and save their games. There is also a puzzle mode. The game offers a tutorial if the player doesn't know how to play Shogi.


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